"Well, there's plenty of room here. Fill up as many planets as you like with evacuees with my blessing. ...I seem to have begun construing myself as owning the universe for interuniversal contact purposes, that's interesting."
"Materia probably stunted my growth. I imagine typical specs for being one of us involve way more hubris than I have."
"I've never been the inventor type. Survey's not a very demanding occupation and people kept telling me I was wasted in it. But at last estimate giving out warp like I did had a lives saved count exceeding twenty billion so I think I made out okay."
"It won't work the same way anymore. The Federation caught me and now they've got a procedure to check for 'tampering' and delay or refuse membership for societies that didn't invent or acquire warp on their own and impose trade sanctions; having warp would still be better for some of these places than not having it but it's no longer a ticket to a seat at the galactic table and Federation post-scarcity plenty. There's also a sweet spot of high tech enough to make use of warp equations and not about to invent them next year anyway and I was actually having a harder time finding any that met the criteria by the time I got arrested."
"Long annoying political project difficult to achieve from political exile, although no harder than it would have been from jail. Worth doing, will not produce numbers like twenty billion in spans like five years."
"Ooh, that might have very different scaling prospects than medical tricorders and advanced drug synthesis and such."