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He signs it. "We'll have laws and principles covering this sort of thing soon," he tells her.


"Yeah." Sigh. "Since she can't cooperate this will be easier if I knock her out and probably less distressing. Is here okay?"


And now Miriel is unconscious.


His demeanor changes significantly. "What the Halls was she thinking?"


"It did not seem at any time like it would be therapeutic to ask that."


"I suppose not. I'm sorry. I'll let you work. I am going to go for a walk."


Nod. "This is going to take hours and hours. I may be done by the end of the day but not before that."


"That's good to know. Thank you."


"You're welcome." Sigh. "- It's not Fëanáro's fault. I don't think I've been able to get him to really believe that."


"I think Fëanáro operates under a concept of 'fault' where everything he hasn't fixed yet is personally his."


"But this in particular, it - eats at him."


"Do you think he should know the truth?"


"He's already really close, and if he figures out that she's action blocked he's going to realize that she can't have sworn to hate him because that's not an action. It's not up to me, though."


"It'll be up to her, once the oath isn't relevant to her decision making." He frowns. "Anyway, thank you. I will let you work."


"You're welcome," Bella murmurs.


He leaves.

And she puts a DO NOT DISTURB sign on her door and gets to work. Delicate, cautious, exploratory, tentative, figuring out from first principles almost how to make sure she doesn't twitch wrong and wipe out something more important than Miriel's theoretical ability to kill her child.

She takes a short break for a snack and then she sits back down and starts building the block. Reversible, light, almost cloud-fluff, it won't knock loose in an unconscious patient and she wants to quadruple check. Quintuple.

Piece by piece by piece. Not this way and not that, not at any level of indirection, not by proxy nor psychological manipulation nor by self-delusion, you may not.

Bella skates through the architecture after she's made it. Tries to look with fresh "eyes", over and over again. Imagine Professor Winters is telling her this is an example of a badly done block, what's wrong with it, what disaster would befall this patient if it were all pressed into permanence -

It's a few hours after Mingling gives way to silver light that she reaches for the king. I'm done. I won't know any more than I already do about how good a job I did until she wakes up.

Thank you. I'm on my way.


Bella takes the sign down, files away the form she had Finwë sign, and grabs something to eat. She doesn't keep a lot of food actually in her house, it's so easy to go down the street and get something, but since nothing rots here she can casually have sandwich fixings around without worrying about whether she's going to get through her whole loaf of bread in a timely manner. Chew chew.


He comes in. "Thank you, Bella. Should I have her taken back to the palace?"


"Probably." Yawn. "She'll have a headache when she wakes up, that's from being knocked out not from the procedure. It'll go away in half an hour to an hour. I'd - I'd like to know the results when I wake up if that's convenient."


"Certainly. What should we ask her to evaluate whether it worked?"


"Um, that'll probably be pretty obvious to her, the real question is whether anything besides it working or not happened."


"Oaths are inactive when you have no reason to believe you can make progress on them. As long as she thinks it worked, she won't feel the oath at all. We will inform you of other things that may have happened."

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