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"He said you told him he wasn't old enough, and he did not find this answer convincing given that Nerdanel's his age."


"He's not mature enough, will he like that any better?"


"Yes, if you can describe what 'mature' means in terms of things he can set his mind to instead of wait around for."


"I think the ideal mindset for a beginning metalworking apprentice who is not yet taller than my knee is curiosity about metal and how we can alter it. Fëanáro is a very curious person but tends to have a mindset of 'I need to already know this' not 'I wonder what this is'. I don't know to what degree he can cultivate the latter, but time might help him. Metalworking happens in close consultation with lots of other people and with Aulë, and I'm not sure Fëanáro is good at engaging respectfully with adults who might only have time to tell him their decisions and not their reasons."


"Okay. I think I can translate that for him at least somewhat usefully. Thank you."


"My pleasure. Do you have any interest in picking up the skill?"


"Maybe one day, but in local years I am technically only three."


"I suppose I earned that. Best of luck on Tol Eressea."


And Bella goes to get some food in the square and putters around in the pleasantly vacationy slide of time until she's tired, then goes to her house and sleeps; and in the morning she eats breakfast and heads straight for the palace to fetch Fëanáro unless he has managed to have another screaming argument with his parents since she last saw him.

Fëanáro has managed to go a day without screaming arguments.


Lovely. Is he packed?


Packed? Oh. Right. That's a concept. He races around packing.


She waits. As long as he is racing she will not make remarks about wasted time.


He is indeed racing. Soon he has a bag full of things.


"I'm not sure you've got the mana for the whole flight so I'm going to carry you," she says, "do you want to sleep on the way?"


"No, I want to look at everything!"


"Okay." She gets his bag on her back and scoops him up in her arms and lifts off. Zoom!


He points things out as they go, asks questions about rivers, falls quiet as they reach the beach - "Can you sense the time-slide effect going away?"


"If I pay attention, yeah. Can you?"


He scrunches up his face. "I don't think so."


"You do run really fast even when it's happening."


"I'm not a hundred years old by your world's rules though so obviously it's still affecting me."


"Different species still mature at different rates, which is probably a factor. You're sort of trying to brute force it by being really smart but you're getting uneven results."


"I hate running into things I'm just not smart enough for."


"Do you mean you have encountered anything where how smart you were was the limiting factor, or that you don't like it when being smart is not the solution to a problem?"

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