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Rúmil stops anyway, once he reaches the end of a verse. Hey, Bella. Good to have you back, we've missed you.


"I'm not here to stay, I just came by for Miriel's appointment. I might sleep in my house, I'm not a hundred percent sure I won't run out of mana and fall into the sea if I fly all the way back."


"Is it a continual-drain thing?" he says. "Suppose that makes sense. Well, good to see you however briefly."


"I couldn't get the duration long enough if it was one-time expenditure and I didn't want to have to re-cast on the way. And you too."


"Notice yourself working faster?"


"Oh yeah, much. The mind shield spell to ward off the time slidey thing is really complicated so I'm not seeing major returns on that right away, but when I pick something more conventionally doable as an interim project I'm blazing through it. Fëanáro, if I teach you to fly are you going to try to fly to the island?"


"No," he says instantly.


"...okay, good, because I'm not sure you have the mana for the whole trip and it would upset your parents."


"Why do you have more magic than me if I'm older?"


"I've been practicing longer and sleep more often so I can practice more frequently too."


"I need a spell for sleep," he grumbles. "Then I'd cast it first thing in the morning every day and sleep way more and get so good at magic I wouldn't need sleep all the time."


"...a spell to do what with sleep?"


"So I can fall asleep! After I've used my spells! And then wake up and have my magic back!"


"Oh, if I'd known you wanted to fall asleep I could just do that for you, when I was around more, I thought you just liked being awake way too much!"


"I don't like sleeping, but I want more mana so I can fly farther, so I'm okay with sleeping more. Until I have enough mana I don't need to."


"Well, when I'm back full time we can invent a spell for it or I can just put you under by arts."


"Do you know how long you have to sleep for it to count? If I wake up after five minutes is my mana back?"


"Five minutes won't do it but like three or four hours will probably get you to at least half capacity."


He pouts. "No, not worth it. That's a really long time."


"I know. It's really annoying. Did you get anywhere on lucid dreaming?"


"I don't sleep enough to practice that, either," he says sheepishly.


"Well, that's your prerogative."


"Unless you know a way to make me have dreams? Because I usually don't fall asleep until I'm super tired and don't dream and so can't practice lucid dreaming."


"...well, if you think it's because you don't fall asleep until you're super tired, that would definitely be the simplest thing to try changing."


"Maybe once you have your spell and I get more things done every day."

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