Would you like to hear my suggestion for dealing with people like you?"
We leave you somewhere far away, and let you run farther, and you do, because your face and name are on signs wherever we can reach. We make you an example, so that nobody attacks a human again.
Promise convinced me that the person we capture might not be acting against us of their own will. But it was you who enslaved me, not one of your vassals, wasn't it."
"Do you have," says Promise, "any idea how terrible an idea that is? Publish his name? Let him move around? He's a manipulator. He makes allies as often as he makes victims. There's a better than fifty percent chance that he'd find someone to rescind all the restrictions on him and set up new."
What were you planning, throwing him in a dungeon for eternity?"
"Alendi. If. Thorn. Gets. His. Orders. Rescinded. He. Can. Order. You. I will turn him into a bird and keep him in a birdcage."
And a birdcage sounds boring. He might as well make himself useful in the atium mines."
"We have the queen! We are not short on manual labor! We have sorcerers including me! We are not short on metal! Thorn does not advertise being a sorcerer himself but he spends enough time around them that I would not be in the least surprised if he could eventually figure out gates or already has the ability as an ace in the hole! Your plan is insane! You are not good at this. You are not used to thinking in terms of masters and vassals and orders and sorcery. If you do not take my advice on this Thorn will get you and the queen and everything follows from that."
I'm not used to this system of orders, but I'm not going to actually tell him anything risky until I am. He can spend a few years in a cell with orders to do everything to himself that he'd make an escaped vassal do, and when I'm confident I can do it safely I'll let him out then. I'm not stupid."
She's probably right. He's not going to admit it.
"I hope he'll ignore you," says Thorn, "like the experienced emperor he is."
Promise turns Thorn into a sparrow.
"Now that Thorn's out of the way, there aren't any serious threats on a scale of years, are there? No matter how many courts we conquer, it'll take time before it's safe to move forward with the next plan."
"I do not know your next plan, but there is nothing that comes to mind which might threaten you if you make no serious mistakes," says the Queen.
"And what if we do make serious mistakes?"
"There are courts the size of Thorn's and larger whose leaders may be tempted to exploit them and collect my court and yours."
The Lord Ruler can't immediately think of any reason the Queen hasn't done this already, if only to award positions at the top of different courts to loyal vassals, but there could be one.
"We're in a very defensively viable position right now and unless we," Promise diplomatically pluralizes, "do something dumb we won't get any worse off offensively; Arcane and the Flight and the Nine will go on existing until we've got things consolidated among the huge number of vassals we've already acquired, most of whom are standing stock-still where they were when the Queen recently yelled at them. We need to - or at least I need to; feel free to delegate" she says diplomatically "this entirely to me - need to figure out the structure of the Queenscourt and be able to handle it less clumsily and with less indiscriminate hold orders."
"That sounds entirely uninteresting. Make sure everyone ends up answerable to me and send me some sorcerers, and you can consider as much of it delegated as you like."
And at least one or two mind sorcerers, just in case."
Promise nips through the gate and comes back with Yellow, who she parks with the line of Thorn's vassals.
Four days later she sends to Alendi a batch of ten sorcerers, which do not include any of the major firepower of the Queenscourt (especially not Nighteyes or Spellwhip) and also don't include Verve or Blossom, but are quite competent. They are all under orders to do as he asks of them, except that they must not produce their names or eat anything but the fey food that will be delivered to them by other fairies (they are to justify this on the grounds that someone might be invisible nearby, hoping to poach the Queenscourt with snuck food or eavesdropping; same with the wards courtesy of Arcane that will fend off darts), are allowed to make whatever needs they have for their functionality and comfort known regardless of what Alendi says if he tries to mistreat or neglect them, and are allowed to come straight back to Promise if they encounter something she would probably not like. Plus they're not supposed to volunteer the information about those exceptions, although since they'll rapidly become obvious if Alendi stumbles across them they're allowed to describe them if cornered. They've all got her anti-emotion-bubble spell on. They assure Alendi that there will be more sorcerers on the way soon.
He assigns most of the sorcerers to try to make Scadrial more habitable. Decreasing temperature directly, creating a reflective sheet in orbit and increasing the size until it's big enough to matter, or even making the ash spread farther from the volcanoes in order to protect more area. Nothing he can think of is going to make it look like it used to, but he can at least try to make the planet better. He may have to explain the concept of a "planet" first.
Two of the minions get set to creating things. Metals, of course, as well as materials for his kingdom's manufacturers. It occurs to him that he can't safely use those metals for Allomancy without the names of the fairies who made them, but it wasn't too urgent anyway.
And they cycle through the chamber where the Well of Ascension is, writing messages to Ruin and inviting it to change words to leave a response. Always under strict secrecy orders, of course, and orders preventing them from actually touching the Well.
No progress on that front.
Promise goes to her own beloved long-ago tree; the trip barely takes three minutes with Arcane's help. She takes a cutting and puts it in the Queenspalace garden. The palace is nice and all but she wants her tree. With sorcerous help (little dollops of it here and there when she has time to spare) it is soon large enough to live in.
Promise is doing enough sorcery - and enough work for which mental speed is incidentally helpful - that when she sends the second batch of sorcerers (still no one vassalized to Alendi) she comes along with them to ask for refills on her earrings.
Aside from the ongoing attempts to improve the climate, he's using the fairies mostly to increase the empire's standard of living. They oversupply any segment of the economy other than food and whatever is currently run by a House that pays him enough. Soon most people (excepting the losing Noble Houses) notice that they are much better off since the announcement that the Lord Ruler defeated the fairies.
Promise says that she'll export metals transmuted by sorcerers with whom Alendi is in a vassal relationship; there are several of those. She just needs a shopping list and raw materials, ore being a pain to find in quantity in Fairyland.
The planet gets better, not as fast as he'd hoped, but enough that the borders of what's habitable increase and agriculture works gradually better.