"I don't, because I don't know when the gate will be ready. Not much to do about that. It's why I'm picking a low-traffic area."
Alendi pulls up a pair of chairs to wait until the gate settles.
They wait.
(They look after a thoroughly constrained Yellow, and Promise eats too, and they wait.)
And four days later -
- the gate finally settles.
Promise closes it immediately and goes to squint through her little gate.
Then she closes her little gate.
"Are you ready to go now?"
He opens the door as discreetly as he can manage.
She gets a dart, and now he'll have to wake her up to give orders. He does this by turning off inaudability and whispering "stop" in her ear at ascending volumes. It'll have to work at some point.
This seems like an excellent time for speed.
Dropping the blowgun, he shoves the heavy thing enough to get a free arm and fires the crossbow at where he thinks it is. With any luck (well, a lot of luck) he may have just gained another vassal. He shouts to both, "Stop!" and reloads the weapon.
Alendi barely cares. It may be annoying, but it has an upper limit on strength and he doesn't. He strikes toward it, hard enough to knock an ordinary thing of its weight through the wall, and tells his vassal, "order it to stop!"
"Where can I find the Queen? You can breathe if it gets me my answer faster."
He doesn't bother striking the attacker again. Just makes himself several times heavier than usual and lets it hit him.
"She's," gasps the decoy, "maybe in her other chamber or her wardrobe or," gasp -
The invisible violent thing is now trying to put out Alendi's eardrums.
The invisible violent thing abruptly melts; it's still invisible, but hot enough to glow.
"- or the dining room, the little one on the fourth floor, maybe -"
"Directions to your best guess, now, quickly and honestly."
Alendi grabs the decoy, holds her in front of him, and charges through the door. "Keep answering!"
As long as he's not trying for secrecy at the moment, he gives away his position by changing from room temperature to barely short of boiling. And spreading that around the room with extra air he conveniently happens to have lying around. Promise has been warned this might happen, but any hostile sorcerers haven't.
The decoy is silent and does not resist being picked up, although she's tall and wingy enough to be awkward to carry and she looks miserable in the heat; her nightdress and the edges of her wings start to char. Something he is not personally exploding explodes. There are screams; there are footsteps; there are wingbeats. A bludgeoning force applies itself to his knees; part of the ceiling falls down in front of him, blocking the hallway direction the decoy recommended. Fairies yell commands at each other.
While falling, he stops time. On this irritating world he's no more graceful than an ordinary human, but with subjective minutes to reposition himself that's more than enough.
If the fairies are using physical barriers, hopefully that means there aren't any actual obstructions. He launches himself forward, after lightening himself so that it's essentially his strength pushing only the fairy. Once the two of them are moving quickly, he adds mass and speed to strike the barrier with more force than it could possibly be intended to take.
Too fast to try to ask his captive anything comprehensible, unfortunately. Maybe once he's out of this crowd.
The decoy he's holding does not tolerate this treatment well at all. Something snaps and her head lolls on her shoulders. She was already tearing up; now she is silently weeping. The chunk of ceiling shatters, revealing the hallway and more fairies beyond. One of them tries to pull the decoy away from him. One throws a spear that looks like it's made of bone and aims straight for his throat.
There's a strong temptation to take the spear in the throat to watch people's reactions. (It's tactical! He'd get to find out who can see through his invisibility!) But it could be enchanted, and he has places to be anyway. Now that there's nothing directly in his way, he taps zinc and steel to casually walk through the crowd of suddenly frozen fairies. Whoever's holding on to his captive can let go or be dragged along.
Unless there's some kind of obstruction he can't see to avoid, he'll be as far as he knows to go in practically no time at all.
Slowing down to a speed where words are recognizable, Alendi orders, "Think of the top five most likely places the Queen might be. Store direct and accurate directions in this bit of copper." He holds one of his many rings against her skin, and stabs her with the spike to transfer copper Feruchemy. "Figure it out."
The fairy doesn't do anything visible, except cry harder. The fairy who's trying to haul her away gives an almighty yank and manages to stick her foot to the floor, where it stays put by sorcery. Some sorcerer in the hallway is causing a spray of grit to sheer off from the ceiling rubble and barrage Alendi's eyes.