He pulls it out of himself (with a distinct lack of squelching sound; he's regenerating from the wound as soon as it occurs) and hands it to Promise. He looks down at the hole in his shirt and makes a mental note to change that next time he's not doing anything important.
Promise ignores the presence of her leafy dress and takes a deep breath and impales herself. She fixes her dress with a touch of sorcery.
Alendi hands her a piece of steel. "And this is physical speed. It's the single most useful attribute for catching future vassals by surprise."
Promise takes off her redundant earring, looks at the piece of steel, and reshapes it and puts it on.
"In terms of assorted metallic assets, as far as I know, yes. We still need the gate to settle so I can look through it and find where to put a second gate, which will also need to settle, and choreograph your attack plan."
If I have some darts made, will you be able to do sorcery on them? I didn't even notice Thorn's hit me, and they injected whatever they had to at least one time in three."
"There may not be anyone isolated, I may be able to guess who's valuable, if I can increase my vision by enough I might be able to catch the Queen visiting a room with a window and send you directly to her in a stroke of fantastic luck. I could probably figure out how to make a dart not hurt."
"I can arrange a stroke of fantastic luck, but I don't quite know if it extends to this. And that ability isn't transferrable. Worth a try, though; as long as you supply chromium I don't exactly have limited luck."
I could theoretically make myself a million times luckier than a normal man. I don't have enough stored for that, but I could make more. And then the Queen should definitely be by a convenient window."
"But how does it - if she isn't currently planning on being near any windows, or if the harmonics are not already lined up so that I can make a gate that takes exactly the best amount of time to settle, or something, what exactly is it interfering with?"
"I haven't the faintest idea how it works. I'm not too concerned about it either, since this is the same set of abilities that considers physical health to be a scalar quantity."
"It might matter if you use up all your luck trying to influence the Queen in some way she's generically warded against."
"It might, but with a lump of chromium and a few minutes in a safe room, I can get it back. I don't have to put in as much as I get out."
"I mean, if any substantial part of the plan has to hinge on luck, it would be nice to know how the luck operates so we can weight that accordingly. If it will work for gate harmonics but will not work for putting the Queen near windows, that's something it would be good to know. Does it aim at all?"
I haven't tested it enough to say we should rely on the Queen being near a window, but I fully intend to be using vast amounts of it during this. I will to test whether it helps me aim darts."
"I should probably see if I can find such a thing. We don't need to be ready to go as soon as the gate opens, but there's no reason to wait."
"I'll stay here and keep checking my little gate. I'm going to need something to eat soon, too. Unless there's a spike for that, and it's probably not worth it anyway."
The announcement that we're at war with a faction or two of magical slavers can wait until tomorrow."
It might be a good idea for you to be there. It wouldn't hurt, at least."
"I hope the little gate's settled by then. I don't want to leave it unattended and still trying to settle; I can't close it if it opens while I'm gone."