"And how many of these people both have considerable brainpower and would be motivated to do anything about it?"
Until you do, of course."
"I'm certainly not going to run the empire like a standard court, anyway, even if we do wind up implementing a plan that involves mass vassalization."
If you want to stay secret, that's also an option. I'd estimate that going public in advance is worth it if it's likely to come to an actual invasion and not if Thorn's people are going to be attacking in secret."
"I've had no chance to observe Thorn orchestrating something like this... I don't think he has the population to want to sacrifice subterfuge."
Once they're looking, you might be spotted by an Inquisitor who notices they can sense your emotions and not your blood. But I can cover for that with copper any time you're close by me."
"I might just be able to counter that sense the same way I countered the emotion bubble's attempt to affect me, if you tell me more about how it works. But I don't know if it would be worth the time it'd take."
"I can't really explain it very well. When burning zinc or brass, I sense other people's minds. Their emotions feel like a, a ball of clay or something, but rough and with some parts raised and others pressed down. And I can raise or press those parts to affect how strongly they're feeling different things. Whatever you did gave you a resistance to changes, but I can still sense that there's a ball of emotion there."
Promise shivers. "Later we are going to have to have a conversation about that but right now it is only tactically important and probably not very much that."
But you're right. If we can capture the Queen at all, we can probably do it in less than eight days. And then us versus Thorn here doesn't come up."
"Right. She can just casually absorb his court. She and hers have had long practice at that sort of thing."
Can you use sorcery to suddenly change the scene to something you know and they don't? Like, say, this room. You wouldn't even have to do it fast, if you have a portal and the element of surprise."
"That would require more familiarity than I can probably acquire in eight days. And it would only help until whoever was in the changed room left it."
And if you can change the room into a locked cell, the time until they leave might be a lot."
That's also similar to one of Thorn's protections, the one I was most worried about. He can make himself pass through solid objects at will, which would include me. And I imagine it's probably harder to capture one of the Queen's top sorcerers to make them revoke it."
Promise nods. "I'm sure she has something like that, and probably more comparable things too. But that sort of thing does always need to be activated at will. If you can catch her by total surprise with a dart or something, and then manage to speak an order before whoever she's with kills you, it won't come into play."
What sorts of things count? Just getting anything from the mortal world inside her body? I would not have expected darts to work."
"I don't know, unfortunately. I wouldn't have necessarily expected the metallic water to work. I'm reasonably sure that anywhere inside her body won't do; it might have to circulate in the blood."
"That can't be it. Swallowing must also work; there's no way the metals had time to get absorbed through whatever digestive system fairies have when I did it to Thorn's people."
"I mean circulate in the blood if introduced via a non-swallowing mechanism. The underlying concept is, as I understand it, taking something you cannot in principle return."
"I'm not sure I know fairy circulatory systems well enough to even try aiming for that, but I suppose I can spend massive amounts of luck on it. Massive amounts of luck can make things easier sometimes."
"I would imagine so. Should I be transmuting anything while we're having this conversation, for efficiency?"
"Cadmium, probably. It's the small hexagonal orange one. Usually useless, but would have come in handy last time I was hiding from sorcerers. And once it exists, I can make another useful metal with ordinary metallurgy."
"How would it have helped?" she asks, picking up the orange thing from where she left it and getting started on transmuting it. "And should you be storing visual acuity for me while we have this conversation?"