In that case it'd still help, for advance warning and for convincing them to walk into traps," (and possibly getting some fairies to form enough of an intention to work against Thorn that they trigger a passive order, but no need to mention that to Promise) "but it's not going to be an absolute win.
Still, non-sorcerers don't sound very threatening at all. Am I missing something important?"
"Well, they can all fly, some of them will have weapons, and we know fairies don't necessarily contain any metal, so they could be annoying to subdue and might be able to feed someone."
"And there's no reason it has to be a direct attempt to get us. That's what I'm missing. No matter how forewarned everyone is, all it takes is one dart and they can get the names of everyone that person knows."
"I might be able to ward a small number of people against darts, but we don't have nearly enough time for me to cover everyone. Same problem only worse with installing voluntary deafness abilities."
"I can partially protect names by sticking people with a needle to give copper Feruchemy. But to make any given person truly safe I'd have to reach everyone who knows them. And there's the same time problem.
We should probably assume our enemy can conquer the world at will."
"We could evacuate? Eight days is long enough for a gate to settle and for people to pack."
The other option would be for us to warn everyone, then hide, and try to subvert whoever Thorn sends to rule the place. Preferably after dosing as much water as possible so you can counteract any orders if they do try taking over that way."
"The trouble is that Thorn's not going to just stop; going on the defensive just erodes our advantages over time as he and his learn more. They'll notice that sorcery works here - I did by complete accident - they'll notice if we ever have to go deaf and don't time it carefully, they'll notice if we catch and force forgetting on any of them and then don't maintain perfect control over those captives. Me he can take or leave - did leave, when Yellow made him an offer - but you he will want to keep if possible, kill to protect those of his vassals you caught otherwise. ...Did you get any of their names that you could tell me?"
Thorn doesn't know we planned to evacuate or where, so he wouldn't immediately check the Steppes, but there can't be that many places to put a nation of mortals. We'd gain time, but give up some of our advantages here."
If I had gotten Blossom's name, maybe they could make her get rid of Thorn's protections, but I don't see more people getting farther than I did."
"HAhahaha, yes let's do it.
I'll give Thorn the fact that he seemed to be interested in stopping the end of the world when he found out, but the Queen's unlikely to be worse. Even if we fail, what've we got to lose?"
"Well, we have to lose the fact that she doesn't currently know we exist. Also, I won't be readily able to go in personally without taking enormous risk, since I'm a fairy and she knows my name. But she knows Thorn's. And Blossom's. And everybody else in that court. If we get the Queen - if we can hold the Queen and be halfway intelligent about deploying her - we win Fairyland forever. If we fail, well, we're her pets, but probably she's not worse than Thorn."
"I captured Thorn's top vassal by running in and grabbing them. It was the darts that stopped me before I got up to Thorn himself, and somehow I doubt the Queen has traps set up designed to make people her vassals."
"Yes. But she has every fairy it has ever occurred to her to want. She doesn't have to maneuver for them like Thorn. Her vassals are going to be better quality, more numerous, and more densely packed. You were overconfident last time, don't do it again."
How strong and fast do fairies get? Thorn seemed to expect it to be impossible to effectively snatch Verve without magic, so I'm guessing not very, but there's anything other than sorcery that can stop me I should probably know about it."
"It varies widely with kind and I don't know all the kinds. I would be - a little surprised if any fairies could fly more than five times as fast as I can, without magical help, but not astonished; in terms of moving around not in the air I think there's less variance. I'm on the large side for fairies in general but I know they can be up to half again as tall as me, some kinds, and correspondingly or moreso strong. I think if you throw enough magic at the problem you aren't going to be physically outclassed, but you might not be able to positively curbstomp every fairy you meet."
Verve mentioned that sorcerers have to worry about air currents, and that they're sensitive enough to notice an invisible person breathing from across the room. Would it disrupt casters if there were suddenly, say, a gigantic gust of wind?"
"It depends on how good they are. Sorcerous spells depend heavily on the conditions under and targets on which they're cast. A very good sorcerer will be able to correct for multiple sudden disruptive factors at once, especially if all they're casting on is themselves and the disrupted place is one they otherwise know well, because they'll be very familiar with themselves and their turf. A middle-range sorcerer will have to spend time recalibrating to get anything significant done."
Would you be able to affect the Queen's court with sorcery from a distance if you were familiar with it?"
"I can transmute whatever would be useful. And - line of sight is almost essential at my level of experience. I'm very good for the amount of time that I've been practicing but not on an absolute scale. I might be able to get excellent range if I enhanced my vision, though, and had a good vantage point. Possibly a tiny gate, that would throw anyone off when they wouldn't expect sorcery to be possible in the mortal world. How sharp can my vision get, given how long I have to store it?"
Alternatively, I could do the spying since being seen there is more dangerous for you, and then pass you the memories the same way."
"Blinding myself would come at a cost of being less familiar with this turf, and we might still find ourselves obliged to stage something here, so if you have a better method of getting me ridiculous vision that would be useful. I could benefit from other improved senses too, but none of them range as well in the first place as vision does - if I can hear things ten miles away that will presumably operate in all directions, which might just distract me. Other things that will improve my sorcery would be anything that speeds up my thought processes or otherwise boosts reaction time so I don't waste a few seconds recalculating every spell every time something twitches."
Speaking of which, it's worth considering introducing you to the Canton of Inquisition and the rest of my forces. Since we might well be fighting a war against all fairies soon, it'd be useful for people to know it's not actually all fairies. The downside is that as soon as they find out why fairies are dangerous anyone with a brain and a half might suspect something."