"So, I've only been here for hours and don't know the basics. I gather the orders thing happens by name and sometimes by food, but can you tell me what exactly we're in for?"
Thoughtful finger-tapping.
"Did you bring any mortal food of any kind with you?"
There's only one possible reason for that question and it's very promising. "Depends what counts as food. I could break off and regrow a bit of a finger and cook the spare. It'd be painless but extremely disgusting; how desperate are we?"
"There is a sharp limit to how much revenge is available while he remembers our names," says Promise. "I want out. We can both get out - probably - and I think we are, in fact, that desperate. Yellow isn't very smart; I'd be long gone but I have lingering orders from a previous master and I can't help you until they're countermanded. Did Yellow already tell you not to give out your name? - Don't say it yet, if he hasn't. But what were his exact words?"
On my own world, I have an army of people whose names he doesn't know. Yellow said you know how to make a gate?"
"I know how to make a gate. I know where one already is, too, but it might not open anywhere near where you want to be in the mortal world. I don't have to work out a complicated way to tell you not to not tell me your name, though, with that wording you can write it down or say it backwards or something - but my idea only works if I go first. There's nothing less disgusting than part of your finger available?"
I have vials of dissolved metals that are meant to be swallowed, but something cooked and formerly alive is at least a more foodlike kind of thing. Depends entirely on what counts."
"Cooked is not necessarily, formerly alive might be. All right. So, that, and then you will be able to rescind all my previous orders. Then you tell me your name and I can do the same thing for you and we can get out. I can't feed you because once I'm your vassal food from me will no longer have power to capture you."
He hands her a glass vial containing flakes of differently colored metals in a transparent solution.
"Write your name," Promise says at once. "...Okay, I don't have to eat part of your finger, that's good. I'll get you some paper." She gets him some paper, and an inkpen.
He picks up the pen and writes Rashek.
"You have to rescind my orders before I can cover yours; I had a cleverer master before Yellow and many of his commands still apply."
She doesn't seem likely to try anything dangerous, but Alendi taps zinc and steel to speed up his perceptions and reactions. Just in case.
As soon as he hears "never give me an order," Alendi starts filling a tinmind. Rather than storing his sense of hearing for future use, he's making sure he won't hear anything until her mouth stops moving.
Sound fades out, and he manages to cut off the rest of Promise's orders. At least whatever came after "never give me an order I don't request" won't affect him. Looks like she's going to need destroying along with Yellow.
For now, though, he still needs to get out of this house and back to his world. "Thanks for removing those. Do you have a safe place in mind, or do we just pick a direction and go?"
Promise doesn't notice that the rest of her instruction has fallen on deaf ears. "You're welcome. I know where I want to go long term -" She ducks into her room and fills a bag with fruit and books. "But I can't carry you flying, and Yellow's faster than I am and I don't know when he'll be back. I can draw you a map to the gate I've already made if you think you can get home from where it opens? I don't remember the name of the place, though."
An existing gate...it probably goes to somewhere in the Empire; that's where most of the population is likely to be from. But if the last mortal was from the South—and I know little about what's going on there—then getting back would be difficult."
"I don't remember where she was from. I think I can accommodate the weight of the metal and clothes at least for a shortish flight. We can stop somewhere long enough for me to start a new gate, but you'll have to wait for it to connect. Will you starve if it takes awhile?"
"Not literally. If I were to not eat for long it'd be uncomfortable, but I wouldn't suffer health problems or starve to death for...I don't know. Longer than I'm likely to need to."
"It won't take longer than a few days. I think I know a place I can put a gate where nobody will think to look for you for that long." She heads out the door. "And I think you know better than to eat fey food twice. Let me know when you're light enough for me to try picking you up."
Alendi follows out the door, then jumps to the opposite edge of the roof. (Fill iron, tap pewter.) He starts tapping iron, emptying that bracelet of all its stored weight and making himself far heavier than any human is expected to be. After Yellow's wall collapses he jumps back and, falling slowly, says "I should be good to weigh nothing for a while now."
"If you say so." She glares at the damaged house. It erupts in flames. And then she flutters into the air and attempts to pick Alendi up.
It's like trying to lift a human-sized balloon held down by clothes and jewelry. The weight isn't an issue, but the fact that he's bigger than she is might be inconvenient for flying with.