"The Steppes are empty. That's why I originally suggested them. Using Yellow could help too."
What if I send you to the steppes to claim it, and then start emigrating the population gradually? I'd be among the last to come, for magic reasons, so it'd leave you ruling a population of mortals with no other master."
"There's nothing to eat there right now, just a monoculture of grass. I would become nonfunctional in fairly short order unless I was allowed to collect and cultivate fey food or you decided to have a mortal feed me mortal food. The Steppes are also only slightly farther from Thorn's usual operating area than the place I most recently tried to live was, although a population of mortals with whom I had a reasonably free hand could protect me if they were smart enough to pick up sorcery, or had local magic to use, and luck and timing cooperated."
Thorn...it's probably a good idea to neutralize Thorn anyway. How precisely do you know where he is?"
"I know where he keeps one of his courts, but he has a number of satellite courts and I don't know where the others are except that he can get to and from most of them and conclude business there in less than a single waking cycle."
Not with current resources, anyway. How long would it take you to make a pure metal in quantity if I supplied a useless form of it? It'd be roughly analogous to transforming rust into iron."
"A few hours, maybe longer if it's more complicated than rust to iron, for the first amount, and then I could probably do it in small chunks every few minutes in the same work area indefinitely."
"The problem is that I'm the only one who'd be able to use it properly, so I'd have to go after Thorn personally."
"Thorn doesn't have your name and can't get it now unless you tell it to him. He could still force-feed you or kill you, potentially."
Once they're in the room, a dull green mineral flies into Alendi's hand.
"This is eskolaite. Most of it, by weight anyway, is chromium. If isolated, that metal should at the very least let me get to whichever satellite court Thorn happens to be at."
"And this one," (a tiny hexagonal crystal) "is called greenockite. No idea why, seeing as it's orange. It's less important, but if you can make the pure cadmium from it I'll come in useful."
"No, unfortunately. There's no known way to purify them, and even the ores are rare enough that we can't do much experimentation."
Would it go faster some place you've done sorcery before?"
They reach the room shortly. "Do I need to order you to make chromium, or are you going to do it because it's for a good cause?"
"I'm still under 'take no new action' with exceptions," she points out. "I can't do it unless you say I must or may."
"I would also like to sit down, if I'm going to be here for hours. And water and permission to drink it. My medium- to long-term usefulness for any task that requires me to think will be very much increased if I am also allowed to either draw or make fairylights in genuine privacy on a daily or near-daily basis."
I'll bring writing implements when I bring food, and can refrain from eavesdropping. Nobody else even knows this place exists."
She doesn't want to miss a useful caveat, but he says "as long as", and then she stops hearing him until she sees a pause that looks like it's probably between sentences.
He's talking about writing implements. Good.
She sits. "I'll get started."
"I'll be back in a few minutes with food, water, and things to draw with. Anything else you need?"