He knocks louder. "Promise? Something came up." Eh, forget it. He breaks the lock and proclaims into the room, "It's an emergency!"
He removes the spike, and fails to use it on her.
"On second thought, you put it in. Right there; on the side of your leg."
"And now, there's something I think you're going to want to see." He starts walking downstairs.
"When Yellow caught you, it was only by your name, right? Not by food?
You can speak freely, by the way."
"Oh. Right. You can follow me. Invisible, if you prefer to cast that first; there's no hurry."
"Good. Because I can't make him not have fed you, but he doesn't know your name any more."
"Haven't decided yet. You want some of the same things I do and will be much more effective if you're not merely following orders. Setting you mostly free to help my planet is an available option. Of course, so is only deploying you on specific short-term problems and routinely ordering you to take no new action after each one."
"And here's your ex-master. Would you like revenge?"
"No," says Promise. She looks at Alendi. "If you're ever tempted to let me go, you might remember that I'm not a vengeful person."
"Promise," says Yellow. "Promise, help."
"I can't," she says.
"I was nice to you."
"You improved on the standard of living I enjoyed with Thorn," says Promise, "I'll give you that."
"I can't."
Oh. I forgot about forgetting." He taps the relevant coppermind, and laughs. "That makes more sense, then.
Do you care what I do with him now that it isn't hypothetical?"
"I care about a lot of things. You could command him to seek no names and give no enforced orders and send him home."
Oh well, he isn't important any more. I'll think of something eventually."
"If I set you completely free right now, what would you do? Don't try to deceive me."
Promise thinks about this question. For quite a while.
Then she says, "I would go through the gate, and close it, and go to the Steppes, and make another gate from there to the same place on this end, and then I would go someplace very, very far away from the steppes and from where Thorn operates and where he found me, and I would try making a home again. Maybe one day I'd try to find out how your people were doing in the Steppes, if you went there. Or go back to my tree. But that would depend on what rumors I heard and whether I got caught earlier in the process."
"And then my people all get vassalized by whatever fairy most recently lived on the steppes. Or I suppose I could make Yellow claim it and just not let him take advantage of the kingdom's worth of vassals."