"Everywhere habitable. The planet is closer to its star than it's supposed to be, so the ashmounts are designed to block some of the light. They only cover the area around the North Pole, where we are, and there's another set at the South. Everywhere else is unprotected from the sun and is descriptively called the burnlands."
"Nobody lives there at all. It might be possible to survive underground, but there'd be no way of growing food or even safely replenishing air."
"One second; food's here."
He gets up and opens the door, thanks the servant so as to sound gratuitously non-evil, and then carries the tray in. It contains the types of fruits that exist here, breads of a kind and quality that Fairyland almost certainly doesn't have, and sausages and other such meats that come to think of it Promise probably won't be very interested in.
"Remember, you can make your sense of taste more or less sensitive now if you want to."
He continues feeding her the mortal food, and eats some of it himself.
After that she peers at his books, trying to orient herself more intelligibly in this world that she's suddenly planning to interfere with a lot. She'll need to sleep soon; if she's missing anything she wants to know it sooner rather than later.
After some time passes, the Lord Ruler interrupts her reading. "I don't suppose you have any fairy food on you for mass-dosing the population. If not, how hard is it to obtain?"
"Nothing on me. Anything will do, really, as long as it's from Fairyland and passes through my possession on the way to being eaten."
But if you open the gate, I can send people to find something that looks edible and easily divisible."
"Thorn's vassals are probably gone from the area by now and as long as you and I aren't personally along your people will be safe if they don't eat the food or tell any fairies their names... okay, I can go open the gate, but after that it's about time I got some sleep. What are you going to need to be able to do while I'm sleeping?"
"Send people through the gate, obviously, and I imagine you'll probably want me to enact some of the things you strongly implied you planned to order me to do, and oh. Act as normal as possible so nobody guesses at the hostile mind control."
"I am not controlling your mind," says Promise. "That would be very different and probably either much less or much more pleasant. Do you remember where the gate is exactly?"
"Not very precisely. It's in the air above the city several hundred yards to the south and east of here."
"Then I'll show you where it is and I'll open it, and then you can show me someplace reasonable to sleep in." She goes to the window and investigates its mechanism.
"You rotate this thing that way," Alendi demonstrates, not volunteering the fact that it's designed to be easy for him to control without having to bother moving. He opens it by hand.
And Promise, invisible, hops out the window. She's got spikes in her arms now so he should probably be able to follow her even without being able to see her.
"If there's anyone on the other side it's Thorn's people, not Yellow's, so it's safer for you to check if the coast is clear than me."