They only sort of make you smarter. There's not a better word for what they do, but people wearing them don't have improved judgment or social skills or intuition or anything - it's a very, mm, dry intellect kind of thing. Languages are sorrrrt of the thing they'd work for.
Yeah, it's on the list. And yeah, like him, although he's got some emotional intelligence I don't think the earrings would touch.
My world would've killed him quicker. I'm glad he was born here.
...Not quite. I was - when I was little - I just maybe have a better developed self-preservation instinct and it saved me in time and he wouldn't have that.
I tried to take apart the television and my mother made me read a book about people who tried to do science and had bad things happen to them.
Bella sends vaguely remembered mental images of illuminated calligraphy and illustrated art books.