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Yes. Though Fëanáro must have been quite curious to try to communicate with you, he usually does not.


He did say he doesn't like talking.


Thank you for agreeing to tutor him.


You're welcome.


Was that everything you were frightened and confused by?


I'm sort of frightened and confused by everything but that's maybe enough to get by with for now. It, um, might take me a while to completely believe that the Valar and the Maiar are safe to... have around.


You could ask them to help with that, if you're not too nervous to do that.


Um, help how?


I'm not really sure. Help you acclimate to their presence, take you on a tour of their domains, tell you stories about the creation of the world, if any of those things would help. They can also help with anxiety in a physiological sense, by slowing one's heart rate and making you feel secure and so forth.


I very much do not want to be directly made to feel secure. The other stuff - maybe when I've gotten a little farther with this on my own.


By all means. Welcome to Valinor. A bewildering place, to be certain, but we have high hopes we'll find it a joyous one.


It does seem like it'll be really nice once I'm more used to it.


He smiles. Feel free to find me. I'd offer to let you stay over until you have walls and curtains of your own, but I don't mind the light and live in a tree, so...


...She giggles. That's very kind of you anyway. Uh, speaking of the light do you know if there's such a thing as tinted glasses? It's really, really bright out, and I can stick my head in my bag to get it dark enough to sleep but it's still a little too bright for me even during the day.


Some people have asked the Valar to aid them in that. I do not know of a thing called tinted glasses.


She sends an image. They filter out some of the light...


Hmm. I have no idea how such things would be created. I'm sure it could be done in time. I'm not personally much use in a workshop, though. You could ask the Aulendil, if you're unwilling to ask Aulë?


What're the Aluendil?


People who, on arriving here, became devotees of Aulë, settled by his Halls, and are learning all he can teach them. They're doing much of the architecture and most of the jewelry, but they also seem the type to develop things like the one you showed me.


Where would I find them?


I can walk you down to Mahtan's?


That would be very nice of you... who's Mahtan, one of the Aluendil?


Yes. And an old friend of mine, and very grounded. You may enjoy his company.


Bella makes a polite noncommittal noise and follows the local where he leads.

Down the hill, out of the city, past where they previously met Aulë, to an odd enclave where stone and metal grow out of the ground in the form of exquisite plants and trees and crystals and houses, all of them spacious and open. Rúmil knocks on the door of one.

A man with very long reddish hair opens it and immediately breaks into a broad smile. "Rúmil!"

"Mahtan!" he says. "How are the girls?"

"Cleverer than I'll ever be," he says, and nods at Bella. "Hello, miss. You are-?"
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