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Oh. How nice of them.

...Yes, it actually is nice of them and she should go say thanks. She approaches and looks appreciatively at the house in progress. This is looking great.

The Maia beams. Thank you, dear! Your design is lovely! You have excellent taste.


Thanks! And thank you for helping put it together.


Oh, it's no trouble!


What's your name?


Arien! I work for Vána and mostly do wildfires but we're all helping with the buildings right now, it's so much fun and eventually the Children won't need us.


Nice to meet you, Arien.


It's nice to meet you too, she says earnestly, turning around to look at Bella while the stone still behaves itself perfectly. You're the one that Eru sent from who-knows-where, right?


Um, it sure looked like an interplanar studies accident, but I'm from another world, yes, my name's Bella.


How do you like it here?


It's really great! My world's habitable and it has some inventions I'm hoping to import but it's not very nice in most ways.


It's hard to make worlds nice, she says seriously. It took us a few tries though luckily we got to learn from them before there were any beings around who could get hurt.


That's very responsible.

We tried making things stay all the same, you know, like figure out what the best way for meadows to be and then keep it. And I really wanted to light things on fire but of course I wanted the project to succeed and I respected everyone's work so I didn't and - it required constant magic to sustain it. it wasn't working at all. And then we realized, it's not meant to be sustained in perfect condition, it's meant to have generations, there are trees whose seeds only sprout in a fire. It's a cycle we'd been trying to find the peak of.

So now I get to light fires where they're needed. It's great.

Sounds like fun. I could show you my fire spell but I need something to aim it at that can be on fire.


Ooooh! I know some good places! Shall we go check them out?


Not until I've slept, but maybe tomorrow, I'm low on spells for the day, I've been doing experiments with Olórin. Do Maiar all know each other...?


Olórin's lovely. He'd probably light things on fire if he could think of a good occasion but Lórien's forest isn't the kind that needs that.


He keeps being disappointed that none of the experiments so far have exploded.


She makes the sound of laughter without actually moving her face at all. Did I do that right? That was amusement, I'm still getting the hang of these things...


Um, it was the right sound.


But the wrong something else? Wrong expression? She smiles.


Smiling is usually associated but you didn't look like you were vocally producing the sound, Bella says, which is optional for telepathic conversations in the etiquette I'm used to but you were producing a real sound not a telepathic impression of one.


Oh. Well, I'll get the idea eventually. Come find me some time when you want to practice fire spells!


Where do I find you?

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