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"Very well."

I believed at the time of Select Wain's speech to the floor, and still do, that what she said was unwise and dangerous, but I did not believe and still do not that it was malicious, criminal, or treasonous, or intended to incite criminality, unlawfulness, or treason. In my estimation as one familiar with riots and revolutionaries, she was dangerously inexperienced but acted to comply with the letter and spirit of Her Majesty's decrees, in a way that would likely have been sufficient in situations more similar to her past experience.

And therefore I challenged her speech on the floor myself but did not in any way accuse her of unlawful conduct, because that would have been a baseless accusation.

Jilia Bainilus, Lord Mayor of Kintargo and Archduchess of Ravounel


Is she really a Caydenite, as she alluded to on the floor? The beer is right there as evidence so she may well in fact be one, which is worth some serious reconsideration of that god and his domains. Lluïsa ponders this as she goes through the formalities of taking the oath and notarizing the statement, ending with an arcane mark.

"This is truly a Vast Help to the building of my Case, and I believe it will help along Justice. You certainly have my Great Thanks."

Riding the high of not having been killed by a wrathful archon (never mind that it can't fight while not fully called; outsiders have their ways), it's easy to do the next part.

"Though it risk Presumptuousness, I would ask a Professional Favor while I have your Ear, one which a Lord Mayor is best suited to Provide."


"I won't promise to grant it, but I will certainly consider it."


"I wish your Advice, and Letter of Introduction if you are willing, as to meeting with Lord Mayor Santcliment as regards the Obligations of my Firm. For although the Collection of Taxes has been Neglected somewhat this past Year I do not expect this to Continue, but this will plainly not obtain Forever; I would dislike to see my Firm shuttered due to Delinquency in the midst of Important Work, and would make Settlement of Taxes, renewal of Licenses, and the like a high Priority. But the Administration is quite Busy and I know not where to turn to see this Done Efficiently. As you are a Lord Mayor you would know well the Desires from that side of the Matter, of which I am Ignorant though I may speculate a little. In particular it is Irregular because the Center of the Profession is destroyed and may not serve as Intermediary."


"As you may have heard, he's postponing most inessential duties for the time being - just about everything except keeping order and rebuilding the city. But I'll speak to him when he's better recovered."

There's some scheme here, and Lluïsa wasn't the elected delegate for Westcrown, so Jilia doubts she's one of the principal partners of the firm. This is probably a takeover of some kind. But heck, if she does a decent job for Valia, that probably wouldn't be a terrible thing.


"I have heard various Rumors that he was Killed or Nearly Killed in the Unrest which cannot be a help to his Workload."

She lowers her voice a little, mostly to emphasize her words by speaking less harshly.

"In truth it is good that the Legal Profession of Westcrown lies shattered and if you have heard that it was Rife with the most Literal Devilry you have heard correctly. Since the fall of the Thrunes I have dealt only with Archons of Heaven and intend to continue in this Manner though I would not refrain from contemplating dealings with Axis, and a prospective Apprentice of mine has dealt with an Azata of Elysium though I am skeptical such is typically a useful Legal Worker; it was for the purpose of Personal Advice by my understanding. When I permit myself to feel Ambition beyond the work of the Convention it is that my Profession may come to have as strong an association with Heaven as it lately has with Hell. If you worry that I scheme my own Personal Advancement, there it is plain, but I hope you may be at Ease that I do not mean to Launder Evil through your name."

Being precomposed, this speech comes through more earnestly. It's a risk to bring up but a calculated one; of the two precomposed speeches this is the more convincing due to its honesty and clear through-line, meant for use if the Archduchess seems reasonably-or-less wary. (The other one, for use if the Archduchess is unreasonably wary, still contains no falsehoods but is meant to redirect away from herself back to the general topic of cities in disrepair.)


"He was nearly killed, yes, and he's a fine businessman for leading reconstruction but no adventurer, to be used to that kind of danger. And yes, that is roughly what I assumed, since the lawyers in Kintargo were almost without exception Mephistopheleans who regularly bound devils as advisors. If you want to rebuild your firm as an exemplar of Lawful Good jurisprudence, then I certainly wish you well in the endeavor, and axiomites will likely do you all good as well." If there is an 'all' in that 'you', but that's an easy white lie to cover apparent corruption. "I will recommend it to the Lord Mayor, when he has time to receive me." Or his successor, if he doesn't actually come back from Andoran, poor man.


"The 'aid' of Devils comes invariably with Greater Harm," she paraphrases something an archon said to her not long ago. "They are Well Repudiated. Thank you, Archduchess."


"Thank you, Barrister. I assume you need no escort home before the rains?"


"The Thought is Appreciated but I am as you Surmise quite Accustomed to traversing the City at All Hours. Moreover I carry an Umbrella against Rain."

She'll offer a handshake, which is presumptuous but might be the sort of presumptuous that is appreciated; it's a fairly low-stakes experiment.


She'll return it.

"Then I'll see you for the trial. Gods smile on you."


"And on you Likewise."

She'll show herself out, or allow herself to be shown out if any staff appear to do so; her mind is on the case for now.

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