Liushna follows up
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A human name would be—a complication, in an Itarii tribe.

“…What do you think of Rojix,” she suggests. It’s not a name she’s heard of anyone having specifically, but it doesn’t sound like not a name, or not Itarii.


"Rojix," he repeats, unaccompanied by an opinion.


She beams and kisses him on the top of the head. 


He doesn't really know what to do with that but doesn't complain about it and keeps hold of her shirt.


EVENTUALLY he will become accustomed to affection. 

Meanwhile she will hold him tight and take off for the bank. 


"WUP!" he squeaks.


"I won't drop you," she promises. 




He'll have time to learn to trust her. She lands in front of the bank and goes inside to acquire money. 


Does she put Rojix down and oblige him to walk during this operation?


Nope! She'll let him down if he indicates a desire to walk but she isn't going to oblige him so to do in the immediate future. 


He stays clung.


The banks of Abadar all talk to each other every day; this isn't the main one but it doesn't matter. Unless seeing Jaume at work behind the counter matters.


Nope! All of her eye-rolling will stay on the inside, and he doesn't really merit anything more than an eye roll while he's not actively attempting to obstruct abolition. She would like to withdraw some Stipend for child-related expenses please, she gave all the money she already had to an orphanage. 


He doesn't need to know what she did with her previous money unless she has theft insurance and is claiming it was stolen, but pointing that out would be equally a waste of time. "How much?"


She names a reasonable sum. The exposition was more for the kiddo's sake, honestly. 


He finds her file, cross-checks it against the copy to be sure it has not been tampered with, and collects the coins out of the operational cash drawer with the keys around his neck and notes the deduction in both files.


Cool cool thanks dude! She waves goodbye as she leaves just exactly as if he weren't a contemptible slaver. 


He replaces her amended files exactly as if she weren't a murderous monster!


Okay! Toys first, it's going to take some time for her to make appropriate clothes even once she has the fabric. 



...Presumably toys for children is something you can buy, but like...where. Hm. Maybe someone else who just adopted a child will be at the temple of Erastil and will know. 


The temple of Erastil is crowded and has more children at it than usual!


Is there anyone who looks parent-y and not immediately busy. 


This one is evidently one of the ones who brought her existing children to the orphanage and got them a new sibling, since her elder daughters look strikingly like her and the little boy doesn't particularly. They are waiting for something but not busy while they wait.


Liushna will approach her cautiously, then. She doesn't RESPECT the fact that people keep being afraid of her, but she is aware of it, and she doesn't want someone to stab her because they think she's a threat to their children. And, like, obviously you would stab someone who was a threat to your children. 

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