Jonatan Castell i Bover was born thirty years before the Age of Glory, the second son (fourth child) of the Count of Cerdanya in Longmarch. His parents were Arodenites, of course, and they brought their children up likewise.  In all likelihood Tomàs would inherit, but it would be Jonatan's duty to provide him with wise counsel and support him in his every endeavor.

Many among the Arodenite nobility raised their children for war, thinking the Age of Glory rather the Age of Glorious Armies. Not so the Count of Cerdanya. When Aroden returned, his first act would be to unite all Cheliax under his rule, from the Arch of Aroden to the World's Edge Mountains. The task of mortal men, then, would be to govern wisely. All Aroden's people deserved peace and justice, safety and order, stability and prosperity; such would be the responsibilities of their lords. 

The pair of them studied governance and law, studied history and theology, studied how to guide their subjects to virtue; but when they studied war, it was never anything but theoretical. They learned to fight, of course — none of them ever imagined that the dawn of the Age of Glory would see every monster in the county drop dead in an instant — but they learned to fight as sorcerers battling monsters, not as generals leading armies.

Their whole family was in Westcrown to see the start of the Age of Glory. Their parents didn't survive it.

(If Aroden's priests had had their spells — but they didn't. If magic had been working right for everyone else — but it wasn't. His parents were with — no one, anymore.)