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She should have checked to see if orcs had Quendi-quality vision.

She could go and check now; but she isn't sure how long these two are going to last.

She lets go of the cliff, assesses its climability for humanoid-Loki.

Moringotto or whichever lieutenant did this work presumably chose the cliffs for the impossibility of climbing them, or reaching them except by flight.

Loki lands near the prisoners again. She thinks. She watches orcs' movements.

When she has not thought of any improvements on her plan, she waits for a gap in orc traffic that will give her at least a few minutes; and she overlays a prisoner with an illusion of himself and turns him invisible save a small point of gray hardly noticeable against the rocks if you aren't looking for it that will follow his movements, and wraps him in silence; and then she reaches out a wing to heal him, and change him into a swift; and streaks to the ground to beat him there and change and catch him to decelerate him as gently as possible, because he is not a real bird and will not learn to fly on the way down.

He doesn't. He doesn't even try, actually. He plummets from the cliff and into her hands. She catches osanwë flashes of joy and then of utter confusion.


She heals him again because he did hit her after a lot of accelerated falling. Be completely still and wait and do not send anything to anyone but me until I've got you out of here. I'm getting the other one. Understand?



Just wait and don't try to communicate with the orcs and I'll be back in a minute and get you out of here.

She flies up and repeats the procedure with captive the second.

Another bird falls into her hands, This one wasn't conscious, and is only now stirring in terror and confusion.


It's okay. It's okay. I'm getting you out. You're easier to carry this way, I'll change you back when we're clear. She scoops up both birds, removes their color-marks, and navigates as quick as she can to the exit without bumping into any orcs and steering well clear of the wolves, who look like they might have good noses.


It's difficult terrain, and takes hours. One of the birds is sending out bursts of panic occasionally; the other one has not communicated anything at all though osanwë, except in that first moment, and lies curled tightly in her hands.


Please stop broadcasting, an orc may notice you, she tells the panicky one.


It goes silent, too.


Tromp tromp tromp tromp intermittent sprinting tromp tromp tromp -


The mountains level into grassy foothills. The view is lovely. The orcs become less frequent.


When she hasn't spotted an orc for the better part of an hour Loki finds a nice place to plop down, set the birds on the ground, say, "I'll change you back now," and do that. She dismisses the invisibility and the silence too.


Two Elves lie there in perfect apparent physical health. One of them lies perfectly still. The other one rolls to his feet and starts running.


"Where are you going?" Loki illusions in his ear. "At least let me tell you where you are and where your friends are! I'll give you a map!"


He jumps, winces, looks around in that direction, but doesn't stop.


"Please. Which group were you with? We're closest to Fëanor's but I can tell you the way to others. Please don't just get lost and run into a band of orcs -"


He keeps running.

She does her best to osanwë him a loose map of the continent complete with 'you are here', but she can't leave this catatonic one and she intended to rescue them, not keep them prisoner. "Be careful."

She peers at the catatonic elf. "Hello?"

This is interesting, a voice says in her head, and different. But not different enough. Your answer is the same.


"Right, he uses mind control," she mutters. "Your skepticism is understandable but I'm not going to leave you here. Would you like to tell me where you'd rather next hallucinate being, then? And would you rather imagine being carried while again shaped like a bird or as you are now, since you don't seem inclined to walk? If you don't pick something I'll take you to the Fëanorians', they're nearest at least of those I've met."

"No," the thought comes. "I would like to hallucinate being somewhere isolated with no one else present." A pause. "And carried as I am now."


"The only place I know to be persistently uninhabited is an island a truly unfortunate hiking distance away from here," she says, gently scooping him up. "And it would be irresponsible to leave you alone there, either, and you don't seem to be in the mood for flying lessons. What's your name? I'm Loki Odinsdottir."

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