"...I am atypical. Most could not do that; the sorcerers all specialize differently and in things I know how to do I suspect I am the best of them. There are some hundreds of millions, and we are..." She investigates the assembled álfar or whatever they are. "Shorter than you on average, with round ears, but we vary in coloring and style considerably beyond that and might not be distinguishable from all other races easily on sight. Although you can tell us from Midgardians because we have no soul-animals following us around."
"...Well. There are more than that in most other realms of my acquaintance. I know the Midgardians have a few hundred million themselves. The frost giants may be less populous, but it is harder to estimate."
"I was meant to appear on Midgard with a friend, not here. There is an item on Asgard, called the Bifrost, which can convey passengers between realms. Typically it does not send people astray."
"I do not remember any tales of the Bifrost in particular causing this problem, which is why I entertained the possibility that someone misdirected it maliciously. But of course we have stories of lost travelers. The current version of the Bifrost is thirty thousand years old, approximately; I would need to look up the exact date and have no references on hand."
"...It does not alter the mind. It is, at least, not designed to alter the soul, although being no expert in souls I cannot guarantee that it doesn't; when I have healed Midgardians it did not seem to affect their soul-animals, but obviously you have no such things. And no."
"I have illusions, which I suppose at a stretch could count. But no, I do not generally hold with mind control as a goal of the practice of sorcery and have accordingly invented none."
"I could probably construct something equivalent to a Bifrost eventually but it might well take hundreds or even thousands of years, and while I will miss my friend and my father and my sister I will not do so urgently and plainly enough for working on that to be my top priority in the next few decades, I expect, especially if in those decades none of them activate the Bifrost from their end to retrieve me of their own accord. I am uncertain whether local assistance could speed the attempt."
"I don't know. It depends on why I am here in this unheard-of realm. I may be by some accident too far for the all-seeing to observe, in which case I should expect to be here until I construct my own way back; they may know exactly where I am and be squabbling about my fate; my mother may have deceived my sister and disposed of my friend; I have far too little information."
"My mother is currently very angry with me. Ostensibly I was to spend some five or ten years in Midgard accompanied by my friend, in comfortable temporary exile to give her space to think about how to deal with this emotion. Instead..." Gesture.
"You know, I'm actually concerned you won't believe me. It sounds very ridiculous said aloud away from the culture of Asgard."
"...My mother temporarily banished me and was openly considering doing so on a permanent basis because I healed my father when he was attacked by assassins."
"My father is fine. My sister and I apprehended the assassins."