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"I'll talk to my father. Should I still spread the word to everyone that you don't want them to use osanwë on you or to communicate with you, or is that less of a concern now that they in any event cannot?"


"I don't mind being sent things that way. I would like it known that if I - leak - I should be notified so I can re-attend to my silence."


"Done. Uh, I'm trying to think whether it'd be better for you or for me to persuade my father of plan: let them get away with literally everything."


"I have mentioned my opinion of my own persuasive abilities."


"Right. I'll try. They'll probably be grateful for your help again patching people up. Or you could rest. I'm astonished how little the cold bothers you."


"It is cold - and I keep debating the wisdom of trying to turn the falling snow invisible so I can see farther - but I do seem to be holding up better than you; then again you are likely accustomed to a hotter climate."


"What are you trying to see? There we rather indubitably have an advantage."


"Nothing in particular. It's a pretty featureless landscape. But it's a little claustrophobic having such reduced visibility from my already inferior starting point."


"That dark mass around ten miles south is the ocean."


"I can't see it, but thank you."

They're back. He seeks out his father, feeling oddly lightened by what would not normally have been a light conversation.

His father hears him out. "What if she just makes it known," he says when Findekáno is finished, "that if either side starts a fight she'll help the other side finish it?"

"I don't know," he says. "I'll ask her."

There's twice as much work to be done with their pressing pace, though, and before he gets a chance the horizon goes a terrifyingly unfamiliar bright grey.

"Maybe you just acquired a sun. That should warm things up."

"I thought you said that couldn't happen," he says, watching the horizon. "How hot is it, should we be gathering reflective surfaces to hide under?"


"Well, your moon was new, too, wasn't it? And suns vary a lot in how warm they are, but inhabited planets it's usually not necessary to hide."


"Yes. The Valar must have decided the form that their contribution to the war effort will take." People are welcoming it by blowing trumpets. "It's beautiful." It's not yet visible at all.


"You may or may not, depending on its resemblance to conventional suns, want to avoid looking at it directly."


"We grew up with the Trees, you know. This light is only a pale shadow of theirs, and we did fine with those. Well, you couldn't walk up and touch them, long before you reached them you'd find yourself explaining that decision to Mandos, but they weren't dangerous to look at, not for us."


"This fixes everything, though. We'll be able to grow food, if it's this bright out. We'll be safer from the Enemy, since he prefers to operate in darkness. We'll have enough to make it, even without any resources."




"Do suns melt ice? Should we worry the path ahead will get more treacherous?"


"It depends on how cold it is and where on the planet. I don't know what to expect here because it is not a typical sun, but it may melt the ice."


"We'll use rope and be more careful, then. It's not worth losing anyone now. Oh - my father wanted to know if you'd be inclined to prevent trouble by committing that if either side starts a fight, you'll make sure the other side wins it. That's his way of saying yes, he won't make trouble, but he thinks Fëanor will."


"If it is that simple, this is a reasonable summary of my intentions. If it is more complicated in some way - if your factions split further, if someone acts alone, if there are sabotaged attempts at peace talks, if it seems likely that the Enemy is mind-controlling the active parties, anything like that - then my response likewise will have to be more complicated."


"Fair. Oh, another thing you should know! Our scouts can see much better in this weather, and went out ahead to find land. We're perhaps forty miles from it. The Enemy's fortress isn't visible, it's in the mountains, but we conveniently know exactly where, because there's a dense artificial cloud of smoke around one specific area in the mountains, not three hundred miles from here. Looks like he doesn't like the sun."

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