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"Okay." So Loki packs up her spellwork and goes off to dance.


It's in the throne room. The floor no longer has flowers and is a springy meadow; the lighting is dimmer. Thingol and Melian are standing in the middle of the room, utterly lost in each other; it would be very awkward if they weren't such striking figures, and if everyone weren't giving them a respectful space. Lúthien teaches Loki some dances.


Loki can dance very well when she's memorized the steps. She did study it, when she was pretending to grow out of her clumsiness, and she will never step on anyone's feet.


There are partnered dances and elaborate group dances in concentric circles around Thingol and Melian and fast-moving individual dances.


However, if this is like most Quendi parties it will probably keep Loki up too late if she stays for the whole thing. She begs off when she yawns and crashes for the night; she doesn't gain that much distance from sleeping on the wing.

Indeed, the party is still going when she wakes up.


I'm off, Loki tells Lúthien after she's had breakfast, following her bellflowers. Thank you for teaching me the dances.


See you soon!


And out Loki goes, and she flies up to find Maitimo.


He is precisely where she left him, swooping in tight circles across the sky.


Hi! Sick of being a bird yet?


I didn't reach Cuivienen, but there are civilizations of what must be Men over the mountain range. They are very primitive. I considered speaking to them and telling them, you know, to love their fellow man and never harm children and try planting the plants that produce the most, but I decided not to play Oromë-meeting-the-Quendi impulsively or on the first possible occasion.


I'm sure they'll appreciate your restraint. I'd love to know where they are so I can completely ignore your good example. I've added to my map a Dwarven location, more Easterly than anything Lúthien had been able to tell me about. The Dwarf I talked to thinks they'll consider hosting you, by the way, but it's a hike so even if your father's idea for how to convince you this is reality doesn't pan out I'd want a little buy-in on 'live with Dwarves' before making it a priority to go check it out.


If I could heal them I would also have dispensed with restraint. May I see the map?


Sure. She pulls it out. You want to stay in the air for this conversation? I suppose you might not have trouble but I find it easiest to look at things when I'm stationary.


It would be nice to take my normal form again.


Spell's touch-range, I'm assuming you don't want to plummet out of the sky...


He lands on the ground.

She taps him on the head and he returns to being a Quendi.

"So your father's idea boils down to, I can explain technological inventions sufficient to convince you that you are not being time-dilated - or at least not in the more worrying direction - he was talking about inventing a few hundred years' worth of things, but, you know, I'm from another more advanced planet so I can skip ahead a little. Transcript or tech first?"

"Transcript first, please."


So she pulls the transcript of her conversation with the Fëanorians, from telling them he's alive all the way through the science lecture.


"You are correct that I'm not interested in marvels proceeding from electricity, which I have no evidence outside this hallucination actually exists."


"Yeah, that's what I thought, it's a pity because if your brother actually has a lightbulb sometime today it promises a really efficient field of study and a lot of their invention-hours will probably be going into it. Any joy on guns and caster wheels?"


"By all means explain them."


"Yeah, I guess they really need the 3D visual aids -" So she recreates those for all the things Curufinwë said were new concepts and fills in the bits of science lecture that don't come through well in text transcript.

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