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"Why not what?"


"I'm sorry, I mean: please do, I cannot think of a reason not to have that on hand, even if I"m also unable to think who'd benefit from it."


"How quickly can you determine interest in a lecture? I have not tended to stay places more than a night at a time."


"I'll make an announcement right now, if you like."


"If it's no trouble."


He stands, walks to the window, and says calmly, "we have as a guest Loki Odinsdottir of another realm, and she is willing to teach the earth-knowledge and engineering-knowledge of her world to anyone interested. Please come by if that describes you." Then he sits back down.


"Quendi hearing and vision never cease to impress me; the sheer convenience is amazing."


"Among your people this cannot be done?"


"With devices; not with the unaided senses. I could duplicate it with magic but it would be time-consuming and my priority is teleportation."


"Very useful. When you have that, could you take the orcs further south?"


"If there's land there and they haven't become too attached to their home to be willing to move in that time, sure."


"Then you have my blessing in all your endeavors, Loki of Asgard."


"That's very kind of you."

"Do we have a place for her to stay?" says Meril. "The city's a bit crowded ever since the continent fell, and I'm sharing with three people -"

"I don't have a guest room," says Círdan, "and need probably reacquire one, since now that the lands are safe Elu will send for pearls again."

"You don't have to accommodate me if it would be inconvenient. I can sleep in the air on my way somewhere else."


"You needn't, though," he says, "we'll sort it out. Someone is probably running here already with the news they have a spare room."


"That works too."


"We've spoken much of your aims, Loki, and little of you. Are there places you feel safe in this world? People you regard as friends? Are you happy?"


"Doriath seems safe, and contains Lúthien, who assigned herself my friendship more or less instantly on meeting me and is well worth the title. I'm friendly with some of the newcomers as well, and I've enjoyed the company of everyone I've met here in your city so far. I find having so much to do very fulfilling and a welcome change of pace from home."

"That brings me as much joy as any other news of yours," he says. "Meril, do you suppose we can celebrate the special occasion with, ah, oysters or something?"

"Nope," she says. "Lobster."

Loki giggles. "I continue to like lobster just fine."


So they have lobster for dinner. Halfway through dinner someone knocks on the door to confirm they have a spare room and would be honored to host Loki; Círdan warmly thanks them, extends an offer of some lobster, and is declined.


"Thank you very much," Loki tells her would-be host.


"I'm very glad Lúthien has a friend," Círdan says; he pulls his lobster apart quite as unmannerly as Meril. "I've thought that she would benefit from one, and I'd expect you to be a good influence."


"She was very excited to meet another princess."

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