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"Nely-? Oh, right. Too many names... I'll put that in the list of similar questions." She pulls it out of her notes and tacks it on and puts it back. "The things I bring as news do filter around appropriately, right? I can't tell when Quendi are or aren't in earshot so I just tell whoever I'm talking to and assume that if someone who needed to hear it wasn't paying attention they'll get it later."

"Findekáno's been making obsessive rotations in which he talks to everyone in the camp, so everything you say to him certainly ends up known to everyone with any expertise, even if it's spit at them in the middle of the night by their miserably unhappy crown prince and they don't know what to do with it. Everything you share with the rest of us we've been keeping more internal, but you can assume we developed good channels of communication on the Ice.

As I think my brother observed, the Feanorians operate by keeping things from each other for their own good and we're trying not doing that."

"Yes, he mentioned."


"You disapprove?"


"Not to the content."


"You'd really have hit it off with Elenwë. It'd be the - the approach to people, hers was shockingly compassionate. She was one of Valinor's best mathematicians but was technically an amateur at that, she did law for a living. Mediation of disagreements, helping people who'd given their word badly, things like that. It was a gift for looking at someone and seeing everything good about them and then moving the whole world into place so they could go use it, and then moving on to do that for the next person, as natural as breathing. She wanted a big family. We both wanted a big family. She wanted so many things, and she will never again have the chance to see us, or achieve any of them that require a playing field bigger than Valinor."


"I would have liked to meet her."


"They haven't apologized. Not that everything would have been all right, if they had, but I think about how to teach Itarillë about the world we live in - when you wrong someone, you say "I'm sorry", when you hurt someone you try to make it right - with a big glaring exception for the unrepentant house of Fëanor. He's flying. He's happy. I'm sorry if I-"


"If you...?"


"Let's not talk about them, shall we? They occupy too much of our attention as it is. Has anyone tried sending you osanwë with colors you can't see?"


"Well, I can't know for sure because no one has listed the colors featuring in a visual sending before offering it up. I have never been startled by the variety of color in such a sending, though, and I can't imagine that it's being purposefully left out for artistic reasons."


"No, I doubt it. Hmm. Maybe it can't be done - or can't be done in one setting, you can map heat-colors onto ordinary colors, that just wouldn't give you an instinct for how to use them later..."


"I don't know about ultraviolet because I have no way to sense that at all, but it's possible heat's automatically rendering as a fairly unobtrusive non-visual sensation of warmth which I've been overlooking?"


"That would seem sensible. I take it you can't use a simple spell to copy our vision, or to turn into one of us at will in circumstances where it'd be advantageous?"


"I could make a spell to do those - I'm very tempted, even - but it will take a long time to invent and my priority at the moment is teleportation spell development. When I manage to get a moment to spare in between all my flying around doing this and that, but I'm expecting that to calm down when I've been here longer than a few weeks."


He nods. "It has been an eventful few weeks."




"What are your goals here? Once you've talked everyone into not fighting and found a way to combat the strength of Angband?"


"Oh, there's thousands of realms, I'm sure I'll find something to do even if everything here settles down permanently."


"Yeah," he says gruffly. "You should have met her. Good night."


"Good night."


And he turns and reenters his tent and tugs it shut behind him.


Loki sighs and flies south, sleeping.


In the morning it's raining. She happens to be near the Feanorian camp, aflurry with activity.


Anything interesting if she swoops low enough to see?

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