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"I am an above-average but not exceptional fighter, a uniquely skilled sorcerer and irregular in being a sorcerer at all while female, temperamentally bizarre, and - until I arrived in this realm and became very busy - not unusually storied for a well-born girl of Asgard my age."

"I shudder to imagine what a storied girl of Asgard is like."

Do you want me to show you the memory palace thing? Luthien says.
I'm worried I'd be distracted and say something foolish. When the conversation is intermittent.

"More impulsive than I am, mostly."
They talk through two courses of elaborate preparations of magic nuts and berries and roots and things that are clearly sufficiently magic it doesn't make sense to identify what plant part they're imitating.

"I miss deer," her neighbor says, "but word's gotten around and they stay out of our neck of the woods, mostly. When Melian's less stressed people were thinking about asking her to alter the defenses so they don't scare off animals."

"What about the place frightens deer, is it the same thing that gives me a headache if I approach incautiously?"


"Yes, it's the protections. So the spiders just don't notice us, and the orcs don't notice us. Saves us a lot of fights."




"They came before the orcs.I don't know how or why. There's thousands of them, tens of thousands of them, they don't charge, or roam, but their area of the forest just expands, unless Melian pushes back. You hadn't run across them yet? How'd you get here?"


"I flew. These aren't little spiders, then?"


"Seven, eight feet tall."


"Well, I'm glad you have a way to shoo them."

"So are we," he says heartily.

Shortly thereafter the singing starts. It is exceptionally pretty singing.

Lovely. Hopefully not so interminable this time.


It lasts through six more courses.


As long as they're also bringing food. It's really interesting food. Well... she can do better than 'not dying of boredom'. Palace? she prompts Lúthien.


Right! thinks Lúthien, apparently while still singing. So I'm going to share a thought, and it's going to be unfinished - you should be able to try walking through it, and reaching a fuzzy bit. Then you fill that bit in.




So she sends it. An elaborate palace beneath the stars, the doors and walls panelled with living trees; the first room is a sparkling hall. The back wall is blurry.


Loki fills in the back wall with an abstract mosaic surrounding a door, leading to a blurry room.


The room takes shape before her eyes: a translucent floor of ice, walls of crystal flowers.


Loki builds a room under the ice, studded with gems, and attempts to melt a trapdoor with a ladder in the ice floor.


Lúthien adds three hallways spiraling off that room, wood-panelled. Yes, you've got it. Now the fun bit: where in the house are you now? What's your vantage point, what can you see?


I'm under the ice, looking into your hallways.


Cool. Turn around.


Loki turns.

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