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"Perhaps there's wisdom in that. Certainly even if the survivors aren't cowed, if we catch most of the looters and arsonists they can hardly form a mob by themself."


Something about this proposal rankles Alfons-Valenti, besides the obvious impracticality of trying to truthspell a quarter of a million people or completely shut down the city gates, but he can't put his thumb on what, exactly, and so he says nothing.


"I think it really might do much of the work to allow people to present themselves to receive the mark of a law-abiding citizen, and let the rewards of being visibly so accrue only to those who can be sure they have nothing to hide."


"Fifty wizards for a month is three hundred crowns," Elias notes, "and would, I suspect, suffice even allowing for delays."


"So if kept up for a year, nearly as much expense as the Hallow itself. Considerable, yet tolerable, especially if we let the Zone lapse into incidental use."


Second course is Mendevian! Beef and onion stew with asparagus and pickled beetroot; meatballs with a berry jam; thick slices of dark bread with butter. It is served in many dishes along the center of the table, everything within easy reach. 


"The pamphlets, then. I must admit I am new to Cheliax, and even newer to Westcrown. What was the situation in the city before the convention? Did it have this literary anarchy?"


??there's more food?? ???this is too much food??? ?????even the first course was kinda too much food????? - that is an extremely déclassé thought and he will butter a slice of bread in a thoughtful way that gives him precious moments to digest before he bites into it.


"I am as new to Westcrown as you, but I can't imagine this going on for very long without the city falling to pieces. It seems of a kind with the rest of the archmage's ideas - when I first asked about the pamphlets, I was told they were common in Galt."

He is eating a hearty portion of each course and shows no signs of slowing yet.


"Perhaps we could, as a convention, ask the president to limit his protection to convention business done in the convention hall, and send a letter to that effect to the Queen and Lord Mayor, both of whom must view the pamphlets with considerably more suspicion than he does." Even if they do have the right to set the law for Westcrown, it is only because they have the Archmage's backing, which seems improper. Better to respect the legitimate power other men have, especially when you can guess they will do the right thing.


"I think there was something very admirable in the 'freedom of the pen' experiment, but having seen the result I cannot say that I have any love for the result. Perhaps in fifty years when the people are less corrupted by the influence of Hell. I suspect we will have an easier time persuading the Archmage if we make clear to him that we have no objection, in principle, to such rights being extended to the people when the people are ready for them."


"There were regular journals and irregular pamphlets before the convention," Montcada notes, "but far less deranged."


"Our problem is not with all the people of Cheliax. I'm sure all of us have met commoners perfectly suited to their station, Lawful farmers and innkeepers who would no more riot in the streets than they would throw out good food," he waves a meatball on a fork. "Our problem is with the radicals putting poisonous anarchic thoughts in their heads, and now with the people of Westcrown who have drunk deep of that poison."


"And this convention which encourages their excitement," Isidonia remarks.

She gestures towards her husband's napkin. "I understand this copyist's spell to be as simple as the Arcane Mark. Perhaps we should require that no pamphlet be published without a mark as signature, which will let us quickly identify those responsible for pouring poison into the communal well."


"Would you prevent one without magical talents from writing a pamphlet out as many times as they have patience for?" 


"They are of the same circle, but clerics can also Scriven and cannot produce Arcane Marks."


"Let them find a laundry wizard to take responsibility for their writings; the city has plenty, and it is far less work to mark another's pamphlets than create your own. If they cannot find one, that is evidence enough their writings should be suppressed."


"This is a half-measure in a time where even the strongest of measures may not be enough. We want a full ban on all written work not approved by the royal censorship board."


"What royal censorship board? No, I think that goes too far. What if a priest of Abadar wishes to complain about the royal tax policy? What if you or I should wish to publish a memoir? Must we ask the crown for permission?  I should think we can find a way to stop anarchists and fools from spreading their ideas without impinging on the rights of honest men."


"I think de Almenar has the right of it," Felip says, "that the problem is in this city, not the whole of Cheliax. Let us not write laws which would interfere with us issuing decrees or the regular operations of Chelish life, or even burden our Queen, and instead give the Lord Mayor whatever abilities he needs to restore this city's peace, and defend him against those who might stand in his way."


The Lord Mayor's an appointment of the Inquisitor and presumably suited to it; Jaume nods at that.


Westcrown will be the whole of Cheliax in a year in any way that matters.

He'll nod along, if that's the prevalent mood.


"Perhaps we should host a banquet tomorrow night for the victims of the riots, where you can advise the Lord Mayor on what the city needs, if he is able to attend." Directed at Bellumar; Felip is happy to work with those he disagrees with.


Jonatan supports requiring new publications to go before an authorization board, but the Lord Mayor is a sensible man, and a victim of the riots himself. If this is what it takes to get a majority of the convention to vote for it, that's fine.


The third course is in the Taldan style, local cheese and seasonal fruit, where 'local' has been interpreted as 'the whole of Longmarches'. Every plate has a healthy slice of the twelve varieties and the six fruits, and attendants stand ready to offer more if a guest smiles on trying any of them.

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