Felip de Fraga lost in the civil war, like so many others. Luckier than most, he managed to flee with much of his treasury and his son, re-establishing himself in Taldor. The son grew up, the de Fraga bloodline sorcery manifested, and he became an adventurer of some renown. In time that son had a son of his own, and Felip III grew up on the open road as much as he did in the cities of Taldor, following his father on his adventures as soon as his magic came in. Family stories of Cheliax were passed down, retainers that had fled with them were still close friends, and they kept the old spirit alive, if more utilitarian than decorative. After a decade, he decided it was time to strike out on his own, his adventures taking him through Galt, Numeria, the River Kingdoms, and Brevoy.

In early 4692, Felip II called Felip III home to Taldor. He was old, and could feel death closing in; he wanted to see his son married before he died, so that the ducal line would continue legitimately. An exiled duke doesn’t have the income of a real duke, even if he managed to maintain his heirlooms, but they were successful as adventurers go and Felip III was supernaturally charming. Within a year he had found a duke’s third daughter willing to offer her hand; it wasn’t even marrying down. His marriage to Isidonia was happy enough; they decided to settle in Nerosyan, where she could still participate in a court of some refinement, and he could still engage in the good fight. What was once an adventuring party became a full mercenary company, sometimes engaged at the Worldwound, sometimes solving problems throughout the rest of Mendev.

Like many in Mendev, he followed the news from Cheliax with interest, and well-known in Nerosyan, he was one of the first invited to reclaim his old titles. His mercenary company, minus those few who elected to stay in Mendev, now form the heart of his ducal retinue, adapting slowly to the new demands of their situation. He has spent the last year touring his new realm, trying to figure out what it needs and how to rule it. Thankfully, he is good at delegation and even better at making friends.