It's hours later when Loki and Cam bring Bella, Elspeth, and Jake to Vanda Nossëo and make it known to whom it may concern that they're here, news is available about the newest Arda and its adjacent world-with-a-Bell-in-it, and someone needs to relay Elspeth the spell symbols because Golden can't let mind-affecting powers including osanwë through her shield unless she trusts whoever is using them. And Elspeth wants to know if the non-evil Maitimo who was so upset is okay now.
"Yeah, maybe. But it could be very hard to detect some classes of failure if it felt like being subtle. The Mind Stone is, itself, entirely capable of mind control."
"I wasn't volunteering. But if we ever urgently have need of it it seems useful to have a method for finding a handler in advance."
"Fair enough. The same method would work for finding someone who could handle any of the others, though, and except Soul they'd probably all go for nonsubtle destruction, and some of them can work a little sideways - the Aether is not really designed for free-will-related applications."
"Didn't think so. Maybe I'll ask my Space counterpart to assemble some people who the stones might like, whose forks can be temporarily put in Revelation or something, and who we'd trust wielding one if it happened to be a good match."
"We also still don't know if they beat daeva indestructibility. Should really get around to testing that."
"Are we expecting that if the Tesseract can't pull your wings off then the mind stone can't tamper with your head?"
"No, but we are expecting that if the Tesseract can pull my wings off then the mind stone can tamper with my head."
"I will eagerly await the outcome of that experiment, then.
...if summoners from a non-adjacent world die in a world adjacent to the daeva realms, do they get your afterlife, has anyone checked?"
"Elentári is by known routes three steps from the daeva worlds, and Hex two. Possible we should have more experiments set up."
"Yeah, if it fails to work I don't fancy explaining myself even to an Elspethed version of Mandos."
"Do we even know yet if Elf souls get to their respective Mandoses from adjacent worlds?"
"They don't have a way automatically, but they also don't stop existing. It was one of the first things I checked. After a lot of communication with Valinor Mandos agreed to make a way for'd be lovely if Cam could do the body and a soul could grab it and start functioning, but I don't think that'd work. Two-adjacent and you're currently just stranded, though I am not sure my soul wouldn't have my indelible teleport."
"If people want basement-dwellers of themselves lying around in case of emergency science, I can do that."
"I don't know about space Elves but our kind shouldn't be able to exist very long as a body without a soul. People who die of grief abandon theirs and the body crumbles to dust. I can try getting in touch with you next time someone dies, if they don't want to deal with Mandos."
"That's interesting. They still die of grief or imprisonment, so it's not that -
- speaking of which, do evil Arda's Elves not die of imprisonment, how did my alt manage -"
"He was let out sometimes, just there were oaths involved."
" really shouldn't ask questions around Elspeth if one doesn't want the answers."
"I wanted the answer, it was just appalling even having adjusted my expectations. I - I actually expect I could get away with most of what he did, if I were evil and had decided to set myself to that. But coercing people into oaths, no. There are people who'd probably go massacre a village of civilians on my command - who did, during the war - who would kill me if I tried ordering someone to give me a mind-affecting oath."