It's hours later when Loki and Cam bring Bella, Elspeth, and Jake to Vanda Nossëo and make it known to whom it may concern that they're here, news is available about the newest Arda and its adjacent world-with-a-Bell-in-it, and someone needs to relay Elspeth the spell symbols because Golden can't let mind-affecting powers including osanwë through her shield unless she trusts whoever is using them. And Elspeth wants to know if the non-evil Maitimo who was so upset is okay now.
I'm not here with a complete offer, I'm here to establish that we can talk and apprise you of the general situation. I'd like to be less vague but if I communicate this way too quickly it can be damaging.
I can stay here and talk to you while waiting for someone to fetch one of your alts if you like.
So Elspeth writes a note to Cam and explains the manifest differences between this Arda and the others while they wait.
Among other species, yes. Not for Elves that I'm aware of.
Elspeth has some data on this! It's probably mostly inapplicable because Evil Arda's problems are really unlikely to stem from drinking human blood or lead poisoning or anything.
It could also just be the Valar being different and that having a lot of downstream effects, but they can't be studied in a naive state anymore because I explained incarnates to them.
I told you, I can't get you out myself. I'd have to get someone else to do it.
I've sent a message. Someone will be along any minute.
I haven't met all of them. Maitimo is one of the most obvious hallmarks of this world having an evilness problem, though, his boyfriend's alt took him away to recover and now Maitimo is upset about that. Tyelcormo and Macalaurë I met briefly and neither did anything obviously evil that I know about except for the general not-doing-anything-about-how-Maitimo-treated-his-boyfriend thing that pretty much everyone was complicit in.
That's not the problem. In the other worlds they're generally adorable and not abusive at all. In this world it was horrible.
Findekáno. We're pretty sure he's not evil, for some reason.
That wasn't me, I only got as far as obliging Maitimo to let him go, Findekáno didn't actually leave until one of his alts came along.
I can't help but notice you only said that after I told you who it was.