Is it any harder to visit Valia this time? (He's braced for the answer to be yes, she thought about it and decided not to let Asmodean priests in, but they did say he should come back to tell her about the trial -)
"Feliu said that Asmodeans like to make people tired. Because tired people don't think. I guess Lawful Good interrogators also like that because the differences are really not as dramatic as you might think - sorry."
"- what are you sorry for? I know full well there's no way I'm Good and I was astounded to learn I'd managed at least Neutral when She chose me."
"Because I'm being bitter and grouchy again instead of saying what's really going on, after you just pointed it out. Anyway, in seminary -"
"We didn't sleep much. Once we were done with the main academic section and didn't need to remember anything anymore sometimes for days. They wouldn't give us water either so we'd have to suck up to whoever we thought would be able to create water soonest."
He should have refused to drink and died. It is probably not helpful to tell him this.
"There's lots of stuff you can do to a person if you're rationing healing because you're evil and still want to make them have as unpleasant a time as possible also because you're evil. Or because you want something from them."
But then she'll never see him again - grow up, Valia. "I probably should. Thank you for telling me about the trial. It does help. I hope Lord Cansellarion's people are useful to you. I am glad I met you."