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"Eighteen. That's plenty old enough to only say things I mean and not get hundreds of people killed by them. A number of people have generously offered that should I come to harm in prison I can notify them, and I mean to if it comes up and leaves me in a state to notify anyone of anything afterwards. And I suppose if it's instead right before I'm put to death I don't actually properly have any grounds of complaint, unless Pharasma would hold it against me - would she?"


That takes a moment to parse.

"For all Calistria's Reputation for Concern with such Crimes it is hardly Chaotic to be the Victim of said Crimes; the Chaos is in Her Domain of Lawless Vengeance and is perhaps Understandable to me more so than Yesterday; I did speak to Victòria on various matters." Secretly. Erastil-damned prosecutors. She was going to put a sepia snake sigil on the notes and everything, she never gets to cast that. "At any rate you are Iomedae's."


"Yes." A bit defiantly. "But not because She supports treason, because She sees that I am repentant and am trying to make things right, as far as that's possible from here." 


It would be nice if there were a god of triage to pray to about sorting this mess into a sensible order of priorities but whoever it is, they're probably an archdevil, so forget it. Iomedae, she's yours, help please.

"Perhaps Iomedae is like me and does not wish to see Harm done to Law. I have heard that She is Lawful."

It would be so much easier to say things about what Iomedae wants if she were good enough to command the traditional binder's imp, except for how having the traditional binder's imp is a suicidal idea under the new regime, how Valia would absolutely react with hate and mistrust, and how Iomedae probably can't even take a commune from an imp, it would just dissolve. She could at least say 'the Prince of Hell wants you convicted' though Asmodeus might be dead and she'd have to bluff it.


"I in fact worked very hard to not confess to anything false. Because of what you said about harm done to law. It's just - what's true is bad enough."


"Perhaps you are Morose and Regretful over your Actions that Day. I am likewise, having failed to Protect my fellow Delegate when we came under Assault together. But I am an Attorney knowledgeable in Matters of Law and know it was no Crime but merely a Tragedy. That you were moved to put Pen to Faulty Legal Conclusions in your Ignorance of Law does not create Crime of Nothing" well, except for treason where you just get into a long, stupid argument about who loves the Queen more, what an abjectly idiotic charge, why can't they just force all subjects to swear a specific loyalty oath to the Queen so any of it makes sense "and the Elements of Incitement to Riot &c. are Absent no matter how much Grief an Unlettered Girl of Eighteen who is No Lawyer does sign—I do not mean to call you a Stupid Child though I am Older, it is merely Strategy that I might wish to Emphasize Ignorance. Pray do not Duel me for it."

Actually, it'd be fun to duel a priest, too bad she likes Valia.


"We are not allowed to duel, and I don't want to. If it is relevant to the court that I am eighteen, and cannot read, and don't understand anything at all about the Law though I have tried to follow it since it ceased to be the Law of Hell - I am and I see no sin in saying so, though if the people of Cheliax were to conclude that if they are eighteen they are too stupid to be responsible for their decisions that would grieve me. I should have made different decisions the day I gave the speech, and this is only meaningfully said because I could have done."


"To my mind you Discharged your Responsibility well, studying the Law and Complying with it, attending to Wise Counsellors, and so on. It would grieve me were the Subjects of the Queen led to Disbelieve that this is true. I am your Attorney, not your Friend, but I would not say to another 'that Valia Wain, she is a Great Fool', except perhaps if the Judge decree a Day of Acquittal of Great Fools in which case I would be Obliged to make the Disingenuous Argument."


"Is there more that you would have me do, awaiting trial? I will confess I am at this point sick in dread of it, and very tired."


"Sleep, if you are able. Pray to Iomedae that Justice be done; please as a Favor to your Diligent Attorney do not substitute 'that Justice be done to me', or else it shall Counterpray against my own Prayers and Iomedae shall hear a Great Silence. Hold while I copy this Document."

She casts the spell, somewhat awkwardly, to make a copy of the confession, returning it. It doesn't matter if she can't read, attorneys add paper to a situation, not remove it.


Sleep and pray. That sounds pretty doable. Valia smiles tiredly and waits for the document to be copied.


Iomedae please help somehow. Erastil please threaten to withhold grain from Iomedae's army, or whatever it is among Archons of Heaven, to elicit Her compliance.

"Here is your Document returned. Do not fret overmuch about its Contents. Iomedae be with you, Select Wain."


"If that's where She's needed most." And then she'll sleep - actually apparently Blai's here, to tell her how trials go. Then she'll sleep.

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