Abrogail II. I am Abrogail Thrune, the diabolist queen of Cheliax, who tyrannizes the Living for Unholy Power.

Iomedia. I am Iomedia, Select of Iomedae, Pure of Heart and Lawful of Spirit.

Abrogail II. I shall set Diabolists above Living Men to rule over them as Nobility, for the lives of the Living mean nothing compared to the glory of Asmodeus.

Iomedia. Good people of Cheliax, it is Evil to set Diabolists above Good Men! Let us take up Arms against the Diabolists and drive them from our Kingdom.

Citizens of Cheliax. I rejoice that at last I am free from the Tyranny of the Diabolists! I hope that one day all men shall be Free from such Wicked Rule.

Abrogail II. Alas, I have been slain by archmages good and true! In days gone by, surely I would have had this Evil Select Hanged for speaking against my chosen Diabolists.

Iomedia. Fear not, Good Citizens. For the Diabolists are defeated, and there is Goodness within each man's heart, that tells him not to abide by the rule of Diabolists. Cheliax has its liberty and a just Queen, who surely would not punish me for my words as the Wicked Diabolist Abrogail II would have.