Technically this interrogation happened first
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"Not...not good ones, I don't think. I - I'm sorry. I know I could have and should have figured things out faster and been more careful, and I didn't understand - I harmed the Church, in addition to getting hundreds of people killed, and I didn't mean to. I do not suppose there is anything useful I can do at this point but - if there is I would of course -"


"Right now I think your priority should be your trial. After that - depends on the outcome.


...Do you have any bad questions for us?"


"I asked Feliu if it costs Iomedae something for me to prepare spells and if given that I shouldn't do it, while I'm here, and he said he expected I'd have the chance to use them at some point, so I have been. But does that stop being true at some point? The day they put me to death I shouldn't prepare spells, presumably?"


"I think the marginal cost to the goddess of you preparing your spells most days is low, but - if you believe you're going to die before you have a chance to use them, and there's no way they would help you survive, then yes, it saves Her something for you to not request spells. I don't know very much myself about whether you're likely to die, but it does seem like your spells wouldn't help much with that so if you choose not to request spells, or to request fewer spells than you could, until your trial is over one way or the other - I can't say that would be unreasonable."


"Do you happen to know if it is legal to defend myself if the guards let themselves in here?"


"I believe it is, but I haven't read the new Chelish laws myself. It's definitely permissible by Iomedae's teachings whether it's legal or not. Do you want us to assign someone from the Church to stand guard here, if we can?"


"No. I appreciated Feliu but I told him to leave because there's lots of better places for people to be. 



....before the archmages came in to save us, I had a plan to break the Asmodeans' naval blockade of Pezzack but it involved doing Evil and I wasn't sure if Iomedae would renounce me for it or not."


"It...depends on the evil? If you want advice on that you will need to give your plan in more detail... If you're nervous about explaining and want it, de Luna has the paladin aura of courage."


"So the strix were willing to do a night raid for us, fly out over the sea and drop a whole ton of flaming sticks coated in special tar so they burn very fast and can't be put out by water.

But they wanted to do it from very high up so as not to get themselves killed, and it was impossible to make out the warships against the sea by night, we'd done raids before and they weren't stupid and took care not to have uncovered fires. And I figured, if I could get on the warships I could touch a plank with my Light spell and make the whole ship glow. I tested on a smaller fishing boat and it worked. But I didn't have a good way to sneak out to the ship. 

The soldiers would come ashore to get water, sometimes, and the last time they'd done that they kidnapped a girl from the nearest house, took her back to the ship with them, to share her around. And so the way I could think of to get on the ship was to approach them when they came ashore for water, and say I was starving, and ask if they'd pay me in food, and figure they'd take me back with them. But I was worried that if Iomedae renounced me for that then I wouldn't have the spell anymore to light up the ship."


"...Lying to your enemies outside of negotiations where you've represented yourself as a priest of Iomedae is permitted, except to paladins who've sworn to never lie. And a matter of Law, rather than of Evil, technically. Suicide is evil, but taking on a dangerous mission, or sacrificing yourself to achieve some good, is not. Iomedae would not renounce you for either of those."


"...but what about for letting men sleep with me?"


"...Oh. That's not evil either? It's, uh -" he looks to de Luna for a moment before remembering that de Luna is not answering Valia's questions in this interview as a matter of policy, "Having sex outside of marriage is irresponsible, and can lead to evil, but is not evil in itself, and the Goddess does not renounce people for it... unless those people have sworn vows of chastity or the like."


It really seems pretty evil to Valia! "Oh. All right. Thank you. I can't think of any other questions I had."

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