7 Sarenith dinner party for people of importance
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"It's much more sensible than the law was in my day," he says after looking it over. "Of course, if Taldor of old tried to implement this system, the six thousand solidi would turn into a bribe for the censors and no one would ever get paid for damages even if they occurred—it's probably a good idea if it can be prevented from becoming that. Although I'm wary of giving Molthune and Osirion that kind of authority over our law—the benefit of Lastwall's exception can probably be gotten by declaring that the Church of Iomedae can print whatever it likes—the Church, that is, not any empowered cleric, an important distinction in light of recent events."


"I do not want to write in a special exception for the Church of Iomedae, though I acknowledge they would probably not use it for ill. I do not really expect either Molthune or Osirion to start allowing the printing of radical literature and if they do we can always remove them as allies in good standing in this respect, but if there's some specific thing they permit that gives you pause perhaps I should reconsider that conviction."


"I suppose the Church can afford a bond of six thousand solidi and if they couldn't the Abadarans would probably put it up for a nominal fee." Maybe not after the last week. "The thing I'm concerned about with Molthune and Osirion is that they might permit proselytization for gods that we would prefer to ban—though I don't actually know their policies on that. Probably at least you want to clarify that a pamphlet being permitted in one of the countries on the list doesn't excuse it if it's prohibited under some law other than this one."


"The bit about nonwithstanding if it's barred by some other decree of the Queen is meant to cover that, but maybe I can write it more clearly. One of my significant concerns here is that most of the population Cotonnet chose for the convention is  hostile to laws having more than three clauses. Everything in this law makes it less restrictive, not moreso, but I suspect it'll be harder to pass than a simple ban and the introduction of a board of censors. I'm still optimistic, though. When I've talked to the ordinary people of Cheliax they've been emphatically in favor of ending the pamphlets at once and I expect many of the convention attendees will feel similarly."


"It's legitimately a complicate issue, though, and while people are rightly suspicious of Asmodean trickery that's no reason to make the law worse—perhaps you should petition the queen for an emergency decree stopping the pamphlets for the duration of the convention. By the time the new constitution goes into effect it will almost be too late. Cotonnet won't like it, but then at least we might be able to debate what the law going forward should be without it feeling like a referendum on the riots."


"I have counselled her to that effect. My impression is that the Queen is unwilling to act to curtail the pamphlets unless this is the will of the assembly, as she doesn't want to be seen as - taking a stance that'd influence ours."


"It remains unclear to me whether the convention is empowered to pass laws with immediate effect, or just to produce a document for the Queen to promulgate or just as likely to ignore."


"We can pass laws to immediate effect! Abolition's going to happen immediately, as it's otherwise too damaging to have the rumors of it in advance of it actually happening."


He's not really sure she has any authority to claim that. Presumably abolition will formally happen by a decree of the Queen even if she's following the convention's mood on the issue, and the Queen may well be too dependent on the goodwill of her Galtan archmage to decree a ban on pamphlets, convention's mood or no.


Alexeara eventually manages to extract himself from the duke of Gandia listing all the horrible things that he thinks should be done to rioters, oblivious to every attempt to explain mercy or compassion. He'd keep arguing with the man, but eventually it became obvious it was a lost cause. After being caught again by the duchess of Anferita, and being introduced to a couple more eligible bachelorettes in whom he has no interest, he manages to make his way over to Joan-Pau and relative safety.


"Marshal! Good to see you. How has the monster-slaying been going?"


"Ardiaca! There's always more to do, but very few things that require me, specifically anymore. I got an anonymous tip about one of the last immolation devils left over from the war a couple days ago, so that's one fewer."


"I am very pleased to hear it. Have you seen the Abadaran pamphlet on slavery? I think we're making real progress towards a low-crisis solution."


"I don't currently have the staff free to look through all the pamphlets and find the ones worth paying attention to, so no - Against?"


"Yes, the High Banker of Molthune wrote it to explain why inherited slavery is theologically closer to slave raiding than debt slavery and therefore should be abolished in Cheliax. - My sister, Silvia. I don't know if you two have met?"


"If we have it was many years ago and only in passing."


"Alas. Possibly I should make a more formal introduction, at some point; she's an important figure in Molthune province, after all, and -" he raises an eyebrow "- rather more in political sympathy with you than with me, where we disagree." Because Abadar is opposed to all offensive war.


Joan-Pau. Over the past week I have been introduced to seventeen sisters, twenty-four daughters, one aunt, a dozen cousins, two vassals, eight noblewomen speaking in their own right, and one man willing to be grand polymorphed. If I misjudge your intent and your sister is married or celibate, then I would be delighted to be introduced now; Otherwise - and know that I mean no slight to you or your family with this - please, take pity, and wait until this convention is over.


"Yes, perhaps you should. I suppose I ought to read her writings first, is it just the one pamphlet or has she written more?" And he can smile, expressing only the parts of his emotional makeup that he endorses feeling right now, and listen to his friend expound on his sister's many virtues, and face with steely resolve and a paladin's courage the prospect of another extremely eligible woman half his age.


To be fair, she's an older sister, so it's only half!


"Are you meaning to attend Wain's 'trial' tomorrow?" she asks the Count-Regent, as the party present who she would guess is other than her most excited to see Valia Wain die.


"I probably will. Of course I expect to see justice done, but it will do part of me good to actually see it." He's been spending a lot of time thinking about the odds of someone trying to stab him if he leaves the mansion without more security than he has, but he's not sure how much he wants to talk about that.


"I've been checking the bulletins frequently for any news of the man who led the mob that came to my home. It's just - hard to feel safe while they still live."


Poor kid. At least if someone does come to stab him personally he's pretty confident that he can notice and stab them first, unless they're an actual targeted assassin. "I agree. I'm unsure how much of the rest of the city agrees with them, right now, and I expect delays to embolden the criminals further. Right now I'm regretting leaving my best security to defend Ilnea, but that Westcrown is more dangerous than expected doesn't make Ilnea safer. I sent for some anyway, but I hope it's not a mistake."


"I wouldn't say the crowd seemed sympathetic, at the 'trial' of the 'Friend of the True People', but I also don't think they were properly - on the side of justice. I think it might be important for the executions to be public and not just the fact-finding. You can't make much of a show about the fact-finding, and most people - don't care about the Queen, or Law, or peace, they care about who they'll regret defying -"

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