Mal's sitting on the grassy hill near Brooks Hall, right across from the Corner, textbook propped open on her knees. She had been talking with Tess, who's currently sprawled out, either sleeping or cloud-watching. Mal's switching between idly reading and watching a boy playing with his dog. It's a nice fall day, and there's a good number of people out and about, some going to and from classes or the shops along the Corner, some relaxing along the park benches, one person slowly feeding fries to a rather bold squirrel.
...Something about this is starting to seem mildly hinky. Tess shrugs, though.
"Hm, what's your sister's name? Maybe her roommate's talked about her?"
Ava frowns, but opens the lid of the tank and scoops out the rat. "That doesn't ring any bells, but I'll ask her. What should I do if it's not her, though? Do you also want to pet him, Tess?"
"Sure! He's cute. And, um, maybe get contact info so you can let them know? That they had the wrong address. ...This's getting a bit complicated."
The kid nods. "Yeah I'll make fun of her so long if she gave me the wrong number, but you could just keep the cookies."
Ava holds out the rat to Tess, angled so that the kid can see, and demonstrates proper petting technique.
Ava smiles at her. After a bit, she gives the kid a chance to cautiously pet him, then gives him a seed and puts him back in the tank, wipes her hand with a tissue, and gives them each a blob of hand sanitizer.
She nods. "Yeah. Classes are okay, and it was a rough few days with Zebra but he's started eating again and I'll get him checked out this weekend."
"I found a decent triangle matcher game? It's fun even though I'm really bad at it. And I saw a cool pigeon the other day, with a shiny neck."
"Neat! Pigeons are funky little guys. So, um, what I was trying to get at is I'm guessing kid probably needs to be getting home?"
The kid nods.
Ava looks vaguely relieved. "Oh! Okay, yeah. Thanks for the cookies for either me or my roommate! And have a nice day. Are you okay with escorting her back out or should I?"
"See you!" Then, to kid, "Do you want me to walk you home? I'm not really doing anything right now. Oh - also I realized we forgot contact information, what's your sister's number? I can give it to Ava, then."
"Okay! I'm going to go tell Ava that, since we haven't gotten far - " They are in fact right outside her door - "So I don't forget." And she does.
The kid thinks for a bit, then shakes her head. "Nah, I can find it from the front of the building."
She follows, a little less bouncily than on the way there.
"Okay!" And to the front. (Tess thinks maybe letting a kid walk home alone is Not Done, but like kid got here okay, Tess was walking alone everywhere at that age, and insisting'd be creepy, so it's probably fine.)