"Well, one clue was the fact that you had to be the person who explained to these guys how to summon an angel. But apart from that, I dunno, I was just picking up a vibe."
"I didn't know about you. I have the impression we're very uncommon compared to the naturally occurring daeva."
"Getting murdered, no, turning into daeva, I wouldn't know about you because this is the wrong world, and I wouldn't say worried, the alternative's worse."
"But 'all summoners', check? Assuming it works the same way here that it does there, which it sure seems to? See," says John, "this is the kind of thing that should've come up when I asked if it made any difference which one of us summoned the angel."
"If you are subject to the same rules of afterliving, which would surprise me because no one has landed thinking it was 2012 since 2012, you are now much better off. Limbo is terribly disappointing. But yeah, I probably should have warned you. I didn't know about it last time I was teaching somebody to summon."
"And, just to make sure we're on the same page here, you're saying Hell is better than Limbo?"
"Hell's really nice! Kind of tacky, but very comfortable. Limboites don't get any magic powers and really limited not-notably-magic stuff. My parents got pretty lucky with their 'one thing to a customer' things, and I'd still much rather they'd been summoners."
"Large population of demons who can make, but not destroy or recycle, any material object they like." Pause. "Most of 'em live on a plane of solid gold sixteen times the surface area of the Earth and thick enough to exert a little more than a gee."
"The discovery of the black hole was really convenient. My house uses one for local gravity. Before that to get rid of stuff folks would toss it into lakes of fire."
"We're here," John mentions for the benefit of the guests, and indeed immediately turns onto the street containing the Joker's shabby-looking apartment building.
"Still kind of torn about that, actually. I can't decide which I want more, the shiny toys or the facilities to make more shiny toys. Think I'm gonna go for a little of both. Modulo what can fit in the Joker's living room."