They've apparently remodeled the train station a lot since last week; it seems to be set up to look like a restaurant now.
Sadness goes looking for the train.
"Well, there weren't actually concepts in there so I assume it was some sort of preparatory run. But normally we only run abstract thought when there's something Riley wants to think about that way, and it started abstracting us."
"Taking us apart into abstract concepts. We managed to get out before it did anything irreversible."
"I'm not sure what I'd say. Maybe first I should see if I can talk across the door - I don't want to, er, go in."
"It seems like it might be a bad idea for a human to be in another human's mind."
"Well, if you can't just talk to Riley, I think Joy and Fear would definitely like to know about this and Anger and Disgust probably would too?"
"Not really. She's happy about a lot of things but I think she used to really not like me."
We've gotten on a lot better since we got lost together, 'though. She's been helping me with getting back stuff Riley lost in the move and we've started reading tragic romance books together."
"- where do you get tragic romance books? Do you just read them through Riley - how do you get Riley to read them -"