Idaia and Imliss at the end of all things
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"I was good friends with a lot of Dwarves before everything went to hell. We did a lot together."


She hugs him. What happened to them?


No idea. Looked and looked, for traces. Maybe they're all dead, maybe they just all went farther belowground.


I hope it's the latter but I don't know if it's plausible.


They had magic.


But it is probably not the likeliest explanation.


Yeah. Since when in our lives has the thing we wanted been the thing that happened?


Well, here you are. That's something.


How're your classes?


She will happily update him on her scholastic progress. The upshot is: very well, both because she's very intelligent and because she hasn't really had anything else to do with her mental energy for the past few years.


And he catches her up on the research they're funding and/or participating in, including very secret efforts to reverse-engineer Elf biology (Elves: not usefully reducible to their biology. But still.)


Idaia's doing Biology, shame she's taking a year or two off to literally never not be in physical contact with her husband.


I would criticize their priorities but it sounds like they both need it.


Yeah. She's got a friend who's doing Biology too, knows everything--they're roommates, or were, I suppose, given that Idaia's taking the year off. Dunno if you want to just trust her without having met her but I think she's trustworthy.


Tyelcormo will notice if she's not. Mortals here don't keep thoughts private.


She's been Idaia's friend for more than a year. I don't know if she ever bothered getting in the habit but she knows how.


Well, then, we'll have to hope Idaia doesn't have secretly terrible judgment.


She married your brother. Does that speak for or against her judgement, I wonder?


I really do not know. She married him after a week, that can't have been wise. Though. They wouldn't have chosen differently if they'd had all the ages of Arda.


Yeah, as far as reckless life choices go that ended up being a good one. I think--okay, this is going to sound really weird, but my Shoulder Maitimo thinks she's trustworthy.


Shoulder Maitimo?


Um, there's sort of a--thing--where when you're close to someone you can sort of build a mental model of them? And get their advice on your life choices even when they're not around? I have that. For--well, for the Valinorean version, I dunno if it'd update if I met him again or anything.


Keep the version you've got.


I definitely prefer that to happen. I'm not planning to avoid him in perpetuity on the off chance that wrecks it.





He's okay. Just - he is no longer personally ambitious in any sense and I don't think he's happy and he certainly no longer finds joy in people.

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