Idaia and Boots in Milliways
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She's so okay!

And they bring her things back to the dorm.


And Idaia and Tyelcormo are collapsed on the bed clinging and sobbing and Fëanáro is peppering anyone within earshot with questions as he learns to read English.


Idaia is coherent enough to answer a decent fraction of these.


...Bella waves at Tyelcormo but does not verbally interrupt.


Eventually he will pull himself together and cling to her in a more upright fashion and say do we all have a language in common? Quenya?


"Yes, everyone here speaks Quenya."


Okay! We're driving to our family's home, in Canada, about twenty-six hours of driving from here, and I think we should leave now.


"Twenty-six hours at your speed, or the speed of a sane person, who is me, since I'm driving, because no one else is both capable of driving and not emotionally incapacitated."


"Might be more at your pace, dunno. I don't usually drive at the car's maximum speed, I don't usually get my dead wife back."


"True. Hi, by the way, nice to see you again, I am also back, I recognize that you have plenty of reason to be less excited about this."


"Huh, no, that's just as exciting, because if it were Idaia and not you she'd be a wreck."


"Oh, I'm sure you realize it's important that I'm alive, but that's not the same thing as exciting."


"Okay, possibly."


Imliss grabs a couple of suitcases and a messenger bag. "Alright, you two get to share trailer space with these, I packed some of our stuff for the trip and there'll be more room there than in the car. The small bag has CDs and other things we're likely to want in the car in it and will be staying with me. Bella, you have nonzero idea how to behave like a local so you get shotgun."


This puts Rúmil and Fëanáro in the backseat. He's still occupied with learning English.


How does he feel about learning English from song lyrics turned up pretty high.


Weird choice, but okay.


She does not tell him he'll understand when he's older because there is no possible universe in which that works on a Feanaro.


Cars are unpleasantly loud even without human music at an unpleasant volume. Rúmil enspells himself some quiet, does the same for Fëanáro, offers it to Bella - 'developed after you were gone' -




And the reunited married couple can reunite in their trailer.


And once the door is shut and the car starts and the music comes on she does, in fact, kiss him as though she were drowning and his lips were air and his hair a life preserver.


Missed you - thought I'd never see you again -


I only had to miss you for not even quite five years. I can't imagine what thirty thousand would have been like.


Wasn't sure whether to hope for Mandos or the Everlasting Darkness, when I died...

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