Idaia and Boots in Milliways
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Imliss stayed at the palace in Tirion. Tyelcormo and I stayed at his parents' place--we had a house plot, but the exile happened before the house could be built. We used the same design in Formenos, but.


Nod. I wound up shuffled around a lot, I was in a guest room in the palace and then I was just sleeping outside in my house plot because they hadn't introduced rain yet and then I went to Lórien and stayed there for a while and then Lórien gave me a magic leaf that teleported me between a certain tree there and one in the palace courtyard.


One of the Valar, runs the eponymous healing gardens? Did you not memorize the whole list, I suppose I paid particular attention to it because pronouncing gods' names wrong is a bad idea in my world.


Oh, right, I think I did hear about her once or twice, it just didn't stick hard enough, I guess.


They're nice gardens.


Everything was nice in Valinor, on that level.


Yeah. I - don't really get how the Valar think.


They don't think like us.


Yeah, but - there's so many species in my world and none of them are like Valar, even the gods aren't like Valar -


I mean, Quendi don't think exactly like us, either, there's degrees of difference.


Yeah. But they're trying, or at least they're sometimes trying...


Well, they didn't do well enough not to Doom my family to death and damnation.


They're not succeeding very well.


"A for effort" is only worth so much.


I know. But I'm not sure they're in the "too dangerous to live" category. If I just get really really good at explaining people or something.


Oh, the only one I'm specifically planning to kill is Melkor, if it hasn't been done already, and your version of same. I'd really hate to have to kill Orome, and I can't imagine that the only one I happened to meet is also the only one worth hanging onto.


Mahtan likes Aulë.


Then probably it would also be a real shame for him to die. I won't--if I had to kill any of them to prevent something terrible enough, I would, but--I hate them collectively but not necessarily individually, you know what I mean?


I know exactly what you mean.

...Maybe Mandos individually and maybe Manwë.


Manwe's the one in charge, right? And Mandos was the one who delivered the Doom so yeah, probably.


Yeah, Manwë's the one in charge, if any of them breaks ties it's probably him...


And Mandos needs to learn the meaning of the words "consent" and "not condemning people to fail in fighting evil gods."


I tried to explain the meaning of the word consent! He did not seem to react.


Fucking Valar.

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