"Okay. Well, our twelve laws are:
1) Causing harm or injury to other people is prohibited. You may be obliged to demonstrate that you are capable of not causing harm in the future.
2) Taking, damaging or destroying the possessions of other people without permission is prohibited. You may have to return possessions you took without permission, and you may have to pay for other costs associated with the taking.
3) If you lie to people in the course of forming a contractual agreement you must recompense them for this harm and for damages determined by the Dwarven oversight board For Elves And Babies.
4) You should take reasonable care to ensure that interactions with someone, in person or over osanwë, are ones they are willing to have, and respect someone's request to stop interacting. If you repeatedly break this rule you may be obliged to demonstrate that you can follow it or obliged to leave the city or the country.
5) Do not damage or deface public spaces, or make them uglier. You may have to repair damage you caused or pay for the cost of correcting other problems.
6) In public spaces, do not interact in a way that makes the space unpleasant for other people, such as by being excessively loud, being inappropriately attired, engaging in conduct that will leave bystanders uncertain whether they should intervene. You may be asked to leave the space and you may be asked not to return.
7) In private spaces, the owner of the property can make their own rules. You must follow those rules or leave, and you must leave if asked.
8) You may not interact with a boat without the agreement of the boat's owner, and you may not engage in dangerous conduct in the waters or on the docks. You may be obliged to leave the city or the country.
9) If you want to engage in conduct which causes small harms to lots of other people, you must either get permission through the government or pay for a permit issued by the Dwarven oversight board For Elves and Babies.
10) The parents of children under the age of twenty need to maintain documentation of who would care for their children in the case of emergencies, and are prohibited from dangerous activity.
11) If something is prohibited, assisting someone in doing it, or assisting someone in disguising that they have done it, are prohibited.
12) If you are not sure if something is legal, ask before doing it."