Dawn's almost as miserable as the night that preceded it, but it comes with an unexpected surprise: Voshrelka has reached fourth circle.

Which means many things, but among them is: if necessary, she could just cast Reincarnate herself. Sourcing the necessary oils for the ritual in less than a week would be a bit of a trial, but not an insurmountable one. After all, she knows where the requisite herbs grow, back in the Barrowood, and it's not very far by flight for a druid. Still, she will try to have her raised in the body she was born in before she goes flying off to figure out something all by herself. Voshrelka's well aware of the discomfort of waking up in a body that isn't customary, and her own Reincarnation was of the kind that let her keep her sex and species. She'd rather spare Liushna the discomfort if possible.

Her wildshape holds throughout her morning's meditations, but she drops it once she's done. She has some water and a Goodberry, then gets an old blanket out from her Handy Haversack sufficient for wrapping up a corpse. It's hard to remember if she's used this one for such a purpose before or not. It doesn't matter, she supposes. She casts her recently prepared Ant Haul to make the burden easier, then carefully and efficiently wraps up the Itarii's corpse and carries it off. The archmage's decree mentioned the primary temple of Abadar being used as a place of shelter, so despite her distaste for the god Himself, that's where she'll go first.