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Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
cry for cancellation
loki peals

The pregnantest of the pregnant Elves visiting Marlatia have children with spirit animals. (This would normally take a while to determine, but newborns can't maintain private thoughts and they are definitely seeing ghostly lemurs/otters/eagles/bats.) Mass immigration attempts ensue. Cam builds Marlatia a small chain of islands to house its guests without having to find a way for lots of Elves to be comfy in existing human cities. He gives Marlatia lots of stuff, and lets his alt and Less Fucked Up Version of Maitimo handle explaining everything to their other in-world neighbors. He demonstrates the back of the neck thing to Iobel, who is pleased but no so pleased that she decides she wants to keep him when any minute he will be haring off to another dimension and she has so much to do at home.

And when that all seems like it's humming along smoothly, Cam hares off to another dimension.

He goes back to Endorë, because it seems like the most useful data for targeting will come if he controls for starting location. Anybody coming along?

Version: 2
Fields Changed Status
Version: 3
Fields Changed Content
cry for cancellation
loki peals

The pregnantest of the pregnant Elves visiting Marlatia have children with spirit animals. (This would normally take a while to determine, but newborns can't maintain private thoughts and they are definitely seeing ghostly lemurs/otters/eagles/bats.) Mass immigration attempts ensue. Cam builds Marlatia a small chain of islands to house its guests without having to find a way for lots of Elves to be comfy in existing human cities. He gives Marlatia lots of stuff, and lets his alt and Less Fucked Up Version of Maitimo handle explaining everything to their other in-world neighbors. He demonstrates the back of the neck thing to Iobel, who is pleased but not so pleased that she decides she wants to keep him when any minute he will be haring off to another dimension and she has so much to do at home.

And when that all seems like it's humming along smoothly, Cam hares off to another dimension.

He goes back to Endorë, because it seems like the most useful data for targeting will come if he controls for starting location. Anybody coming along?