"Time to disintegrate a lot of screaming statues. Please stay out of my line of fire. I have been grazed by a nerve disruptor before and the statue's horrible screams convey the sensation pretty accurately."
He gestures a range of diameters between about two and twelve inches. "The strength of the effect varies with distance from the center, and the beam spreads out as it travels through the air. The inner beam is permanent nerve damage, death if it gets you in the brain; the outermost edge is temporary excruciating pain; in between, and after it passes beyond its maximum fully effective range, you're taking your chances."
"Okay. I am pretty good at dodging shit, stupid superpowers are good for that, I might cut it closer than non-Slayers would be advised if the situation calls."
"Mmhm, just don't, like, yank your shot wild if I roll under the line of fire with an inch of clearance or something."
"I'll have to recharge it every so often but I already checked and local electrical outlets present no challenge to my universal power adapters. It would stretch credibility to imagine that I might run out of charge in one battle, unless we spend twelve solid hours disintegrating statues."
Here is a giant hole in the ground. It's dark down there.
It's probably reasonable to attempt stealth at least until the point where he can tell how many statues he'll need to disintegrate.
Gosh that's a lot of lumbering statue jobbies. They're dancing.
Miles picks a nice vantage, and then he starts shooting. The underground chamber quickly fills with the horrible screams of dying statues.
"Can you get me a path to him?" Bella murmurs.
He picks off a line of statues. They seem reluctant to touch their disintegrating brethren, which helps.
Bella moves faster. She charges, dodging and weaving. Statues suffice as cover when the dude in the middle takes exception to her approach.
There is a blurring scuffle and then Bella has his implement of mysterious magicalness and he has a snapped neck.
The remaining statues disintegrate neatly and quietly, without the cracks or the smoke or the horrible screams.
"I do not see any obvious loot here, but I can wait around without depriving you of your ride if you want to loot hunt."