Blai Artigas in places: The hottest, or should I say coldest, new trend!
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The scout team quickly gets deeply uncomfortable with the slum and decides to leave and go back to their camp to discuss these discoveries.

They pick the wrong route, though. This 'street' of packed snow throngs with people, muttering and hard-eyed, pushing and shoving, barely held at bay by threateningly pointed guns.

There are hundreds, gathering up in every street and alley just beyond New London's fortified compound. The tone is angry. How dare they preach to us so? How dare they expect us to just lie down and die? When you give us no other option, you forced our hands. We didn't want this, we're not the ones at fault here, but it is time to rise up against the tyrant's metal fist, for just lying down and following the rules is death. By sunset we'll all be feasting or dead.

...Yeah, it's time to leave.


If he knew what the fuck was going on he would probably feel obliged to join this fight on one side or the other or talk to someone about something to do with it but he cannot confidently not make it worse. Out of here at once is good by him.


They are confronted by a band of men trying to stop them from leaving. Calling them cowards and New London's lapdogs, pointing at Joseph's holy symbol.

A lot of people start paying attention to them.

June retorts that she's not ready to die like a dog for someone else's benefit- Do you think the ones charging the gates will be the ones reaping the rewards? No; The real winners will be those saving their strength to pick up what's worth taking from a thousand corpses!

(Nuts is doing something with something from her pack. Leon is glaring at people and trying to look scary. Joseph is scared silent.)


Blai's not drawing his weapon yet but he's got one hand hovering over it and the other on his own holy symbol. Are the people stopping them identifiably following a single ringleader?


There's a leader, but it's unclear if the rest would run if he were removed.

"We're no friends to New London either," June is saying, "We're just getting the fuck out of here. We don't need to hurt each other!"


Qualm on that guy if it looks like he's going to inspire violence and not just posturing and then hopefully that'll buy seconds for Prayer. Hopefully June has it though.


He is totally spoiling for a fight. He just wants to look justified about it.

Qualm hits him fine.

"Don't some of you have memories of the good old days? When the generator saved folk, and New London wasn't the monster it is today? It's a thing of hope. Broken hope- Corrupted ideals. Fighting won't help us. Besides, you'd die. I'd shoot you first. It's not worth it."

"Bitch, we're freezing to death and starving by the day," one of the other men says, confused at why their ringleader is suddenly quiet. But it looks like they might back down.

"Hey, tell you what, I'll give you guys some meat if we all just go our separate ways-"

This last line of argument is a mistake.

"Food- She has food! I heard her say so!" Someone in the watching crowd shouts. People look at each other, the mob instinct wondering- Food, those big packs are probably full of it. Is it worth maybe getting shot? There's a lot of us, and only three guns and a bow...


...They're near a wall; Nuts stands up suddenly and tosses a hooked rope high up to the two-story rowhouse's roof. 

"Climb!" She announces, and the people- Who have completed the mental transformation to a mob- Clearly takes this as the call to start pushing forward.


Prayer and then he'll do his best to struggle up the rope - last. He can probably take hits better than anyone else in the party.


Nuts goes up first, scrambling adroitly. Joseph nearly falls, until Nuts helps him up. Leon and June go up next in well-practiced speed, Leon kicking away a grasping hand.

By the time Blai gets to a rope, they're right on top of him. A thrown rock smacks into his torso. A kick hits his shin. Two separate people grab his pants or boots as he goes up; June shoots one in the shoulder with what would be a nonlethal hit to someone healthy and not in the middle of a stampede, the other loses her grip and falls on top of several other mobfolk.

There are thrown rocks and thrown knives hitting his back, and people trying to climb after him.


Blai has no ranks in Climb experience with climbing ropes but he can do his best to pull it up after him and kick people off and is surprisingly unimpaired by the thrown knives even though he left his armor behind. The Prayer is just barely still helping when he grabs the rope. He'll make it up soon if nobody gets a really solid grip on him.


He can shake people off and keep climbing, and-

-The rope tears free of the knot in the roof where it lodged, bringing a chunk of wall with it. Leon looks ready to leap back down and try to rescue Blai from the middle of a dozen prone mob members.


Blai narrowly rolls out of the way of the chunk of wall and scrambles back to his feet, and now he's drawing his mace.


June wrestles Leon away from leaping back down there, shouting something it's hard to make out over the screams of the mob. The people around him mostly spend the next few seconds trying to stand back up.

There's the loud report of a gunshot from somewhere.


Burst of Radiance.


Basically everyone is blinded or dazzled! 

The building starts to collapse. He can't see his other party members anymore, they ran past the lip of the roof.


Yes, they're clearly going to have to regroup elsewhere. He bolts.


He can hear fighting as he runs. A stunningly loud horn blast like at the dreadnought blows and a booming voice declares, "DISPERSE IMMEDIATELY OR WE WILL DEFEND OURSELVES WITH FORCE." More gunshots.

The gangs are out in force now. Most of the big streets are blocked, most side passages are full of cowering folk.


Grace and he'll chance weaving through a gang.


You need to get past a gang.

Grace got you past the gang, you say.

But what about second gang, one street over?


Yeah, he doesn't have another one of those. He has a mace and will attempt to be very clearly looking to get beyond them without necessarily hitting any of them with it.


"No fucking passage until this shit's over! We got families in here! Get!"


"I only want to leave the town."


"Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England! Find a place to hunker down like the rest of us!"


"I do not live here. I only want to go."


"What part of Fuck Off isn't in English?"

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