summoned hero Blai Artigas
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Is it an angel and not an air elemental? Wow, he really thought it looked like an air elemental but there are admittedly a zillion kinds of angels.

When Blai catches up he'll Create Water on the burning building if the rain's not hitting everything thoroughly enough.


Can you eject someone from a building against their will?

Generally no. Throwing someone out typically calls for throwing, and violence is no longer permitted on Disboard. However, moving someone against their will – assuming care is taken to avoid even unintentional harm in the process – isn't definitionally an illegal move. Tet did not excise involuntary experiences from the world, which means that a certain amount of what might be sweepingly termed 'violence' is actually still allowed: playful roughhousing between friends, parents toting around crying infants, compulsory bathing episodes, and other things of that nature. The Elder God of Games remade the world in accord with his own design, but that design had some nuance to it.

Disboard is inhabited by no small number of extraordinarily powerful beings, and were they only prohibited from violence in this manner they would be effectively prohibited from doing very little. The primary check against aggression in the Covenant is the rule against war. Most forms of coercion, detention, hostile magic, and assorted rules-lawyering are in Tet's eyes acts of war, which is part of the reason why Disboard is not a singleton dominated by whoever got their expansionist hierarchical mind control apparatus off the ground first in the wake of the Last War. At any rate, the playful roughhousing stops the moment it is no longer playful.

So, what is the best way to have it your way? Tet's intent is that you play a game – there's always more slack when you're playing a game – but if you don't have the patience for it…


… it's sufficient for Khazer to own the building. Its body floats near the edge of the rain, cloak billowing in the wind, all four limbs completely dispersed as it works. Individual demons float out the windows in its telekinetic grasp, all of them wriggling and shouting and ineffectually trying to force Khazer to stop by way of instigating violence. It lets them go once they're out, where the mobile ones disperse into the streets like frightened rodents.

Almost everyone who lives here is already gone apart from a reptilian werebeast still in the basement, blissfully napping in the heat and smoke of a burning building. It extracts that one too, since even werebeasts are not immune to having buildings collapse on top of them, and once she's out Khazer relaxes. A few more minutes of rain and it'll count this building as both safe and secured.

Once this catastrophe is dealt with it will have to find the summoned hero before moving on to— no it won't, the hero is conveniently already here.


"Create Water." Ten gallons where it looks most useful.


The rain has more or less extinguished the highest floors, but as a consequence of their continued existence the ground floor isn't out of trouble yet. There's still an inferno going on, and ten gallons of water puts an impressive dent in it.

Blai has to do this while a flock of monsters rushes past him in the other direction, of course, but despite the hostility in the atmosphere none of them seem interested in taking a swing at him. The last one out, a crocodilian humanoid the size of a draft horse that looks like it recently awoke from a nap, mumbles something to Blai in the same foreign language as it walks away.


The overt use of magic comes as a surprise to Khazer.

Humans do not have creating or summoning water as a racial ability. In fact, they have no racial abilities at all (unless you count the fawning adoration of the supreme deity, which it does not). Khazer isn't an expert on summoned hero typology, but it seems likely that the chanting and hand gestures are either the key to a type of alien magic that doesn't rely on elementals or a signal to an allied sorcerer to work magic through the hero. Hopefully it's the former, because alien magic is a spectacular ace in the hole if they can keep it hidden in reserve – and Khazer thinks they can, because the summoned hero did the chanting thing right after being summoned and it didn't immediately notice anything that time.

It drifts back down, toggling through a suite of magical perception filters more or less at random to see whether anyone else is going to notice the anomalous magical human. He doesn't appear to have spirit circuits at first glance, but what magic can obscure, magic can also unveil.


What's a spirit circuit? Blai's just carrying around a bunch of divine magic conveniently packaged for his use.


Divine intervention is one of the first things Khazer checks for, mainly because the hero mentioned being a cleric and gods sometimes favor their clerics with thematically appropriate gifts. Good thing too, because under that lens it's painfully obvious the summoned hero was an ordinary human before he was reforged into an alien sorcerer by a god – or maybe more than one god, Khazer doesn't recognize the handiwork of any particular entity but there's enough variety of flair to be a collaborative effort. Definitely the result of a mature process, though.

The chassis is a well-engineered graft, complete with a storage mechanism for individual blobs of exotic matter (instructions to be run through a decoder?) and not one but two direct paths linking his body to other dimensions (probably the power source). It's not the strongest transhuman upgrade in existence, but it's a spectacularly elegant one. The use to which it has been put is bizarrely unimpressive. The summoned hero used a miracle to create ten gallons of water. Divine intervention does not look like ten gallons of water! It looks like earth and sky exchanging places, clocks running backwards, creation and obliteration. It leaves indelible marks on the fabric of history. Why would a god trying to put out a structure fire create ten gallons of water? Does the hero even know?

Khazer floats down to the ground, reforming its body as it goes. The rain lightens up as the fire dies, and the cloud starts to disperse overhead.

"Tell me what you know about your god," it asks, once there's an opportunity.


"- Her name is Iomedae. She ascended to godhood hundreds of years ago, having been in mortal life a paladin of the also-ascended god Aroden. I actually have a copy of Her holy book on me if you would like me to read from it?"


"If there is a passage you believe is representative, please do."


"It's probably not best for a really high level summary... uh, She's called the goddess of defeating evil, or sometimes the goddess of triage. She's Lawful Good. She mostly selects paladins though I'm a cleric instead. She has a theocracy called Lastwall which among other things guards the sealing place of the sorcerer-lich Tar-Baphon who she fought in the Shining Crusade that was much of the work of her life."


"I see. And when you met her, what was she like?"


"...She did not approach me in person. Clerics get spells from our gods at dawn every morning; that was the form our contact took, was her offering me spells."


"… have you spoken with anyone who has met Iomedae, to get their impression of her?"


"No, she was last mortal hundreds of years ago and most species on my planet do not live that long. I am familiar with the effects of Her Church on the world, though."


Why would the date of Iomedae's ascension matter? Unless—

"Does Iomedae not live in Lastwall?"


"She lives in Heaven. The last time a god tried to live on Golarion it was very bad and also killed the god."


Where 'Heaven' is a plane of existence and 'Golarion' is a planet, presumably one not located in Heaven… if the hero's homeworld is antithetical to gods then everything about Iomedae, from her abstruse communication method to her choice of miracles, is probably adaptive somehow. It does raise the question of why she's trying to operate a theocracy on Golarion while she can't go there to do anything personally – the goddess of triage being continually involved in the containment of a single lich raises some concern, even as far away as Disboard – but that's unlikely to be immediately relevant.

"My condolences," it says. "Gods dwell on Disboard, often in multiple places simultaneously. It would be unusual to join one's service without having known them for a long time. Do you know why the god died?"


"No, but it was disastrous when He did."


"Then there is one more thing I must know, summoned hero. Do any of the small miracles that Iomedae provides you help with playing chess?"


"One of them a very little bit. ...if I were going to be playing many chess games I have another that could help a few along but it is the sort of thing that only takes out guesswork, I wouldn't play at my peak, just avoid the worst."


"Do either of them help by impeding your opponent's ability to play, acquiring private information from your opponent's mind, moving information from the future into the past, or changing the behavior of the universe in a way that affects the rules of chess?"


"No, they only operate on me and the level of play I bring to bear."


"Your powers are well-suited to playing here," it says approvingly. "It is remarkably difficult to cheat at a sequential game of perfect information, but there are those who try. Always in vain, although we may well never hear of the successful ones. Anyone who considers self-enhancement against the spirit of the game will tell you aforehand; if they do not, continue to do your best."

Khazer points at the other visible building in bad shape, which from this angle is much larger than the first one but is at least not currently on fire. "Building 81 is next. Do you have any questions for me before we go to recover it?"


"How many games will there be?"

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