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Blai in Vatican Miracle Examiner
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"Are there a lot of ambiguous miracles here? - does 'God' have another name, I'm afraid it's very confusing in Taldane."


"He is also referred to as 'the Lord,' which is more ambiguous in most of the languages I know but might be less ambiguous in this one. If it would work with your apparently-supernatural ability to understand other languages, I could also use Dio, the Italian word for God. He consists of three persons, called the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit — if you need to distinguish from, for instance, your actual father, you might say 'God the Father.' The Son is most commonly known as 'Jesus,' 'Christ,' or 'Jesus Christ.'

Miracles are fairly rare, so it's common for people to be mistaken about whether something really is a miracle, or outright lying. Of course, in some cases it's not possible to tell for certain — say a child is seriously ill, and recovers with no apparent cause, but their condition was not the sort that's always fatal — but in many cases it's possible to determine one way or the other. I can give examples if that would be helpful."


"'Dio' just translates as 'god' through Comprehend Languages but it will wear off in less than an hour and then it will do. Jesus Christ is properly unique.

Since I am here through the strange mechanism of a presumably nondivine monster and have no dealings with Jesus Christ nor any of His aspects would it be more appropriate for me to lodge elsewhere going forward?"


"If you'd prefer not to stay with us, we aren't going to force you to stay, but it might be difficult for you to find shelter elsewhere with no legal identity and no money." Though Lauren could almost certainly fix the legal identity issue, and in principle the money issue as well. "If you would like to stay, it's really no trouble. We are called to shelter those in need, and while this is a bit of an unusual form for that to take, we'd be happy to have you. ...And I'm sure we'd both be excited to learn more about your god and similar topics."


"Legal identity?"


"Most countries keep records of everyone born in that country. In general, it's expected that most people can if necessary present documents proving their identity. It's not needed for most purposes, but the vast majority of hotels will want to see it, so that they can make sure that you're really the person who made the reservation. One of my friends looked into you after you told us your name last night and was unable to find any such record of your existence. ...It's possible he'd have better luck with the knowledge that 'Select' is a title but I don't really expect him to, we knew we might not have the spelling right."


"I wouldn't expect that to help since I have no reason to think that Cheliax sends copies of its records of - not births, they don't record those, but schooling and military service - with your country."


He nods. "...Just to be clear, I'm not sure how well this came through already, but neither of us has ever heard of a place called 'Cheliax,' and we would normally expect to have heard at least briefly of all the countries that exist."


"I think it is most likely that I am on another planet."


"That sounds plausible to me. We had previously considered it an open question whether there were other planets with life but I don't have a better explanation." Which doesn't mean he won't keep trying to check, of course, but 'another planet' can be his working hypothesis for the time being.


"My planet is called Golarion. I can sketch its continents, though poorly."


Hiraga doesn't think it's likely that this will give them much new information but it's a simple test to try. The paper and writing implements are still there, as well as the maps from earlier.

"Would you like me to identify our continents as well? Unless Roberto already did so, I suppose."


Sketch sketch. "I'm not a scholar of the planets. The offer is courteous but if there's no special need for me to be studied up on the planet's geography it's not urgent."


Those indeed do not remotely resemble Earth's continents, though that doesn't narrow down the possibilities very much at this point.

"Is there anything in particular that would be helpful for me to explain?"


"What are the laws of this place that I will need to follow? What are my prospects for earning a living, probably by selling spells and healing?"


"—Miraculous healing of sufficient reliability to be sold for a living is also very rare here, though not so rare as speaking in tongues. I expect it would be very easy to make a living, assuming there isn't some sort of hidden catch. ...Do you know if you can cure cancer?

...Er, my apologies for getting ahead of myself, I can also explain the laws to you." After he finds out if Select Blai can cure cancer.


"I can cure a lot of things but I'm not exactly sure what cancer is and would want to try a couple of spells if channeling didn't suffice."


He launches into a highly technical explanation of the biological basis for cancer.


"I - I don't have the background for any of that, I could try a Lesser Restoration but I have no idea if it would work or just make someone feel temporarily better."


"—I apologize, I got a bit carried away there. We could most likely tell the difference between a miracle that cured the cancer and a miracle that made someone feel better, though in some cases it recurs months or years later and we could only determine that by observation. It's one of the most common causes of death, but I'm sure you'll be able to find work even without being able to cure it."


"I don't have unlimited spell slots, unforrtunately."



"I'm not familiar with the term 'spell slots' and it doesn't clearly correspond to any supernatural phenomena I am familiar with."


"Clerics get limited numbers of spells of various levels of power each day and the capacity for any one spell is called a slot. I'm a third circle cleric which means I have third circle slots, though I can only freely assign one."


"I have not heard of supernatural abilities working like that except in the most technical sense. Could you give me some more details about how it works — how many slots you have at each power level, what you can do at each power level, that sort of thing?"


"I can hold four orisons, or zeroth-circle spells - I can cast each one as many times as I want but only four different ones on a given day - four freely assigned first circle, three second circle, and one third circle. For non-orisons I also get a 'domain' spell but I have to pick those each off a shortlist of two. Orisons include Create Water, Mending, Detect Magic, Light, Guidance... First circle spells include Comprehend Languages, which I was using to understand you before, and Endure Elements, and Air Bubble, and Protection from Evil... Share Language which we're using to talk now is second circle, and so are things like Zone of Truth, Lesser Restoration which I mentioned, a few spells which improve someone's constitution or dexterity or splendor or strength or wisdom for a few minutes... At third circle I can create food out of nothing, though it's worthless if not consumed within 24 hours, or dispel magic, or make it so that creatures in an area don't need as much sleep, or summon - actually at all the circles I can summon creatures but they become progressively more powerful at each circle used."

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