Mirelótë has never seen a giant mirror-faced snake before in her life, but since it eats her and thereby transports her to a bewildering novel location in so doing it's not a priority to figure out why this feels like just the sort of thing that would happen to her.
I would be glad to contribute. I think I'll begin some experiments with other types of animals from the human's world anyway, I'll start with insects and try to work my way up from there. At least for the moment, I'll stop when I reach the group of creatures with which humans belong.
Makes sense. I wonder if they're similar to animals from Arda, since humans aren't so different from Elves.
I could show you. My people had completed most of their biological survey before I left and I have the records of the previous one as well. I can render that into images of the animals.
There's a succession of images: dolphins, crabs, eagles, lions, salamanders, and beetles. Do any of those look familiar?
How many of them looked familiar? How similar did they look to what you remember?
He could have done it, and might have. He likes sad stories and until recently preferred to consume them in the media format "reality". The Valar convinced him to stop but he might have set this up before or tricked them.
That sounds distressing. I'm not sure it matters much how the world was created though.
It could, because if it was Eru that implies some distribution over possible outcomes of my being here - since I arrived in such an irregular and likely interventionistic manner - and over the likely nature of any problems we don't have full information on, given my knowledge of his style. But we shouldn't lean too hard on the assumption.
Dramatic arcs of hubris and self-sacrifice and long subtle tragedy are in, my presence is encouraging because he's let me solve planned problems in advance before...
The only suggested course of action from that seems to be taking care to be extra cautious rather than overreaching.
It seems wise not to make plans which require their arrival before the humans are saved regardless.
Do you have any ideas about how to select humans to teleport? It's safest if I can get them to enter a teleporter I place on their world. I'm not sure how to do that though without causing a panic or otherwise broadly noticeable patterns of behavior which might alert my mother.
A teleporter's walls can be made of almost anything. I can also disguise it as something that blends in if we can find something that fits. Obviously, the people I teleport won't be returning.
On my planet falling out of osanwë contact would be conspicuous. If not for that a concert or similar event might be the best way to get a crowd.
I'm unsure whether I could compose a sufficiently convincing concert invitation. I'm also unsure whether transportation to such an event could be disguised as a teleporter. That could be a good choice if we can address those issues.