Mirelótë has never seen a giant mirror-faced snake before in her life, but since it eats her and thereby transports her to a bewildering novel location in so doing it's not a priority to figure out why this feels like just the sort of thing that would happen to her.
Thank you. I should make fewer mistakes with your grammar now. What sort of interface would you prefer? The computer will be able to offer partial translations but some abstract concepts and specific terms are lacking translations.
I can make something like that. I cannot make a device which interacts directly with the thing you call osanwë. Perhaps I could if I analyzed your biology. I can make a computer which can communicate as we are now. Is that what you would prefer?
This seems similar to osanwë, presuming it obeys the private thought distinction, and will work just as well.
I could not access your private thoughts without attacking you through mind speech or you willingly sharing them. I do not know if I would succeed if I tried and I do not wish to try attacking you, you have been nothing but kind. The computers will only understand things pushed to them.
I have no plans to. If my mother finds us she may try. No others of my race are on this world. I have considered awakening the gift of mind speech in those humans I rescue. I cannot guarantee their behavior nor how capable they would be.
You defend against mind speech attacks by pushing back on their attack and controlling your mind so the thoughts you wish to hide are not on the surface. There are children's toys but they are toys. They are no substitute for practice against thinking creatures.
I would happily practice with you if you wish. I have made a computer for you. A tile lifts out of the floor and a small robot emerges carrying a computer that looks like the one she showed. It has a blue gem the same color as the ring. The robot offers the computer to her.
The computer presents access to books by translated title search (not available for all books), alphabetical in the human alphabet, and arrangement in the human library.
There are mix of fiction and non-fiction works. The fiction is from several genres and frequently has untranslated words. The nonfiction at the beginning of the list has a high concentration of medical texts.
I can look at Earth and scan small sections in a great deal of detail. I chose the building with these books in it because it had a great many books. It was one of the largest such buildings below my size limit in that part of the world.
If I look at Earth too much I might be noticed. The risk for each glance is very small. But small risks add up.
There are slight signs left in the things I scan; if someone else scans those things before the signs fade they can notice them. Looking also subtly bends space and that can be noticed if someone is looking in the right place. The bend in space is extremely unlikely to be noticed unless someone first notices the other signs.
She is certainly looking though how often or at what I cannot predict. I do not expect others to be looking but there is no guarantee. If others are looking that may disguise my activity or it may reveal it.
I am not sure; my clan was a few thousand people. There are at least thousands of such clans.